A great conversation with Jason Hull of #DoorGrowShow as Mark and I have shared useful information and strategies to help untangle some major challenges in your Property Management business while keeping the growth despite COVID-19.

→ Click here to listen.

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We have heard the scenario many times for clients who tried to hire on their own. Soon after being hired, an issue surfaced with their Virtual Employee with regard to their equipment, Internet connection or computer being very slow and needs to be upgraded. Then the client wonders – should I pay for my virtual employee's equipment?

This can create a lot of confusion so let’s clear the air for you.

An ideal Virtual Employee should have at least a stable Internet connection and a computer since they know very well that this is where the income starts.

If you have had an applicant who is skilled and has aced the interview but claims that they have an old computer and/or a dial-up connection, you should move on to another candidate. This simply means they are not equipped to work as a Virtual Employee.

A virtual employee who has substandard equipment is like a soldier going to war with an armor made out of cardboard. Watch out for these candidates, as they may be a time-waster. No equipment means not ready.

One of the services we provide when we place virtual employees for our clients is a technology audit. We do this to ensure a virtual employee is ready to work.

Assuming you are still going at it alone, give your attention to business-minded people. Virtual Employees who have this kind of mindset has come prepared for battle. They have worked hard to earn enough to invest in a good computer and obtain a reliable connection. These are the kind of virtual employees you want to work with, virtual employees with initiatives, responsible, and can be considered dedicated to the work they do.

Another thing to consider before feeling generous to your Virtual Employee is the possibility that it may not work out. Not being a pessimist but just covering all grounds. When you give your VE a computer then 2 weeks down the line it just doesn’t work, your ability to recoup that loss is almost impossible.

If you still feel like you want to enhance your virtual employee's equipment, then at least you are doing so with the full knowledge that your investment may not be fully realized.

An alternative to consider is come to an arrangement with your VE to subsidize half of the cost of the equipment provided while your virtual employee invests in the other half.

As a client, a loyalty reward can also be a great help in addition to providing a morale boost to your virtual employee. Depending on their KPIs (key performance indicators), you can give your VE a “thank you for doing a good job” gift such as a gift certificate or a low dollar headset or computer accessories. But you have to make it clear to your VE that the best is expected from them so that they can strive for these rewards.

In general Filipino VEs are always thankful when their hard work is recognized. In return a VE will bring give you a world-class output that will be worth your every cent.

If you want to skip the hassle of trying to find your next virtual employee yourself and have us do all the work – including making sure that they have the proper equipment – check out HireSmartVirtualEmployees.com.

Know the success and importance of hiring an excellent virtual employee for your business - the smarter way! Listen as we shared this great conversation with Ben Fewtrell of Business Brain Food Podcast!

Click here to listen here.

Looking for more information on how you can start hiring your virtual employee? Schedule a free call appointment today so I can help you with the process.

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