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Recent Articles

July 25, 2024
How Can Mentorship Transform Your Team?

I lead people and strive to be great at it. So I study — a lot! Name a book on business leadership, and I've likely read it. Never forget that there's always more to learn, and the moment you stop pursuing a better you, you lose your edge.    In my intense studies of leadership, […]

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July 22, 2024
Thinking of Doing it All Yourself?

Some people confuse independence with extreme micromanagement. Don't be that guy or gal! Why? Let me appropriately hashtag this for you: #FastestPathtoBurnout!    Keeping a tight grip on everything at all times will wear you down. I've hit that wall multiple times. I've watched CEO friends do the same. At some point, you must learn […]

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July 19, 2024
Looking to Reduce Risks in Your Business?

We take pride in our independence as business owners. But the truth is, no business is an island. We all have dependencies — on clients, products, technologies, and more.    While some level of dependency is inevitable, over-reliance on any one area can put your business at serious risk. What happens if your biggest client […]

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July 18, 2024
As a Leader, How Do You Inspire Your Employees to Take Charge?

My childhood involved some tough moments, but adversity also carries blessings. For instance, I knew at an early age that I needed to make things happen for myself. No one else would do it for me.    The little girl Anne saw that she must step up and seize the moment when it came. So […]

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July 16, 2024
Declaring Independence: How Are We Preparing Young Minds for the Real World?

A parent has many roles, from feeding and clothing little ones to teaching manners and good behavior, displaying a sense of proper values, and enjoying the shared moments at a park, ballgame, or party.    However, the most significant parental task is preparing a child for adulthood. How can this swaddled, helpless 8-lb. baby grow […]

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July 5, 2024
Harnessing the Power of AI in HOA Management

Technology is a touchy topic in the community association management (CAM) industry. For decades, the HOAs, condos, and their management companies all fell far behind the curve of technological acceptance. Remember when Blockbuster shrugged off Netflix’s DVD delivery service and entirely missed the boat on streaming? It was a little like that, and we’re about […]

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July 4, 2024
How to Build Your Independent Brand

When I think of "independence," a few images come to mind: the American flag waving proudly in the breeze, a teen packing up the car and heading toward a new life, an explorer venturing into new territory after months of preparation. As business owners, we know what it's like to venture out on our own, […]

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June 25, 2024
Are You Making Time for Mental Breaks in Your Busy Schedule? 

  Here's a personal fact: I need eight hours of sleep a night. If I get that, I can deal with most anything. If I don't, I'm a mess.    So, the clock matters in my life. I waste little time. There's much to do, and I must sleep. Do you relate to this?    […]

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June 20, 2024
Want To Spice Up Your Work Environment?

When you think about your last vacation, what comes to mind? The relaxation, the adventure, the quality time with loved ones? While the experience is certainly the main event, another aspect of vacations often gets overlooked: the power of anticipation.    That period of looking forward to something good, imagining the possibilities, and planning for […]

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June 18, 2024
Is Your Team Overwhelmed? What About Mini 'Vacations' for Recharging?

Your employees' well-being directly impacts your company's success, but stress and burnout can leave your team feeling drained and disengaged.    While a real-deal getaway might sound like the ultimate R&R, most employees can't just pack up and leave every time they feel overwhelmed. That's where the power of micro-vacations comes in— short, intentional breaks […]

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