A Virtual Employee Allows You to Scale

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Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could just go to the copier and make another one of you so you could get twice as much done?   Well, the idea is not as far-fetched as you might think.

Using today’s technology, it is possible to multiply yourself with a virtual personal employee and it is only a login away, and it is more affordable than you think.  You can have someone to answer your emails, answer your phone when you’re in meetings, return voicemail messages, set up appointments on your calendar, and then pull together the necessary files and documents you need for that appointment.

Imagine that your last client, whom you gave your full attention to and did a great job for by the way, referred you to their friend who is in the market for your service.  This new prospect wants to learn more about how you can help them and they either call or email you.

You are busy giving another client your full attention, but still, the new prospect’s call or email gets answered by your virtual employee who is able to schedule a meeting between you and the new prospect because they have access to your calendar and know you have blocked out Tuesday and Thursday mornings and early evenings for new prospect appointments.

Further, your virtual employee knows the information you require to be gathered from the new prospect so that you will be fully prepared for the meeting.  Your Virtual employee is able to ask a few questions from an intake form you provided them just for this kind of situation that provides all you need to know to go prepared for the meeting and win the business.

All this has taken place while you were busy serving your existing client and giving them your full attention.  It used to be, you would get out of your appointments concerned about picking up voicemails and returning the calls while driving back to the office.  You never did feel safe to drive, make calls, or look at your calendar on your smartphone to set an appointment, while trying to remember details or worse yet – take note of the new prospect.  Now, it’s different and safer.

Rather than being in a panic and checking messages, you drive safely back knowing that you got a notification on your smartphone that you have a new appointment Thursday at 4 PM with Mr. New Prospect at 321 Solutions Ave.  Additionally, when you get back, you find in your email a link to the 321 Solutions Ave presentation package that your virtual employee has fully prepared because they asked the necessary questions to make you and your presentation look good.

The presentation package is not a generic sales presentation, rather it is customized to the prospect and their needs.  Your virtual employee has spent hours preparing everything and in 5 minutes you are able to review it, find it is just perfect and print it out in color and bind it inside for another 5 minutes.

Think about how you do currently do business and tell me, if you had a virtual employee like in the example above would you now be able to go to more appointments, close more businesses, and make more time and income?  The key to the ability to have virtual employees is knowing that they can do anything that can be done on a computer and a phone. Leaving your job to attend the appointments and you servicing the clients. This maximizes your time and is probably a lot more fun – right?

By my estimation, my virtual employee has taken about 60-75% of my work off of my plate, and you can have the same done too.  It is all a matter of what you have the virtual employee trained to do and it is less expensive than most people think.  A global virtual employee like the example above is available at a cost of less than $15,000 per year on a full-time basis.  That is all-inclusive with no additional payroll costs like a local hire. Want a real cost comparison? Read more here.

Most of our clients initially found it hard to believe that they could have highly motivated, dedicated, hardworking, highly educated, enthusiastic staff that truly speak the English language.  Our innovative global staffing alternative permits their business to run better, lets them avoid traditional personnel issues, and at a significantly lower cost.

How would you be able to multiply yourself and take advantage of this opportunity? It is easy to get started! Book a call with us here.