Are You Prepared to Close More Deals?

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There’s the ABC idea in sales that you should “Always Be Closing,” but the more powerful mantra is “Always Be Caring.” 

Don’t get me wrong — closing deals is essential. It’s the lifeblood of any business. But the hard sell just doesn’t cut it if you care about gaining customers for the long term. 

What does cut it? Empathy. Understanding and genuinely caring about your customers’ needs, challenges, and goals. When you approach sales from a place of service rather than self-interest, you build trust, credibility, and long-term relationships beyond a single transaction. 

That’s where a strong sales enablement strategy comes in. It’s about equipping your sales team with the tools, content, and training they need for meaningful, insightful conversations with prospects. It’s about helping them shift from pushy to helpful, transactional to transformational. 

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 So, how can you revamp your enablement strategy to empower your team to always be caring? Here are a few tips: 

  • Focus on Clients’ Needs: Make sure your sales team understands your target buyers — their pain points, goals, and decision-making process. The more they can empathize with buyers and tailor their approach accordingly, the more effective they’ll be.
  • Create Customer-Centric Content: Your sales content shouldn’t just be about your products and services. It should be about your customers and how you can help them succeed. Case studies, how-to guides, thought leadership pieces — these are all great ways to show you care about providing value.
  • Train on Soft Skills: Sales isn’t just about knowing the product inside and out. It’s also about listening, problem-solving, and building rapport. Make sure your enablement program includes training on these crucial soft skills.


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  • Encourage a Service Mindset: Make it clear to your team that their job isn’t just to close deals; it’s to help customers win. Celebrate and reward reps who go above and beyond for customer success.
  • Gather and Act on Feedback: Regularly solicit customer feedback on their sales experience. What did they like? What could be improved? Use these insights to continually refine your enablement approach and ensure you always put the customer first.


At HireSmart Virtual Employees, we are big believers in the power of empathy in sales. It’s why we train our virtual employees (VEs) not just on technical skills but also on soft skills like active listening and emotional intelligence. 

And it’s why we encourage our VEs to approach every interaction with a customer-centric mindset. They’re not just there to support your sales team but to support your customers and help them achieve their goals. 

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 “Kim has been a valuable resource to our team since she has joined us,” said one HireSmart client about her VE. “Any tasks she is provided she accomplishes with ease. She is always pleasant and willing to assist. She took a huge project off of my hands and saved me a ton of time. She embodies our core values.”’ 

 Imagine the impact on your bottom line when your entire sales team approaches their work with empathy and dedication. And with a HireSmart VE supporting them behind the scenes, they’ll have even more bandwidth to focus on those meaningful customer interactions. 

 With HireSmart, this kind of high-quality, customer-centric sales support is incredibly affordable. Our VE bill rate is $9.50 per hour, a small investment for the long-term customer relationships and revenue growth you can build. 

 At HireSmart, we’ve built our independent brand on core values: Service, Mindfulness, Availability, Respect, Teamwork, Ethics and integrity, and Relationships (SMARTER). These values guide everything we do, from the clients we work with to the virtual employees we hire. 

 So, if you’re ready to revamp your sales enablement strategy and empower your team to always be caring, we’d love to chat. Click here to schedule a consultation and learn more about how HireSmart VEs can support your sales success. 

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 The most successful salespeople aren’t the ones who are always closing. They’re the ones who are always caring about their customers, their needs, and their success. 

 And with the right enablement strategy and the support of a HireSmart VE, your team can be those salespeople.