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Why being understaffed is bad for your health.

Health is related to stress, that’s what the research and science tells us.

It’s not all stress that’s bad, it’s excessive stress that can tax your body and mind and lead to illness.

Managing a business comes with a certain amount of necessary stress because at the end of the day you’re responsible for delivering a quality product or service.

Add in employees and competition, taxes, and inflation and it’s easy to see how the pressures and challenges can build up.

That’s just the baseline level of stress for a business owner or manager, that’s the amount that comes with the territory.

As a successful business owner, over time, you learn how to delegate, become more efficient and adopt strategies to create a healthy relationship with your work-related pressures.

That’s what I think of as the “sweet spot”, when stress is manageable, there’s support from staff, and you have enough time to devote to family life.

It’s like you’re floating down a river on a fully blown-up raft, enjoying the scenery, paddling just enough to guide the boat and steer clear of major obstacles.

And then, inevitably, something changes.

Let’s say your assistant needs to move somewhere else to take care of his aging mother.

He can’t give you any more than two weeks’ notice and that’s nowhere near enough time to find, onboard, train, and get a new assistant up to speed.

That raft you’ve been floating on starts to lose some buoyancy and you have to paddle harder to avoid the obstacles.

Let’s say this all happens when your business is particularly busy, or you have a deadline to get something done.

This is another level of stress, one that starts to move into unhealthy territory.

I hope you don’t know the feeling of being overwhelmed by the demands on your time, losing sleep from knowing just one more crisis or bad break would be devastating to your business.

But you probably do know the feeling – it’s part of the game.

At HireSmart, we want you to know that you’re not alone in those types of dangerous situations when your stress levels are maxed out and you feel like you’re spiraling out of control.

We’re here to help you.

Not only can we find you highly capable, dependable, affordable virtual employees ready to join your team, but we also provide onboarding strategies and ongoing HR support.

Our business is designed to make your life less stressful and your company more successful.

There’s a lot more value to a relationship with HireSmart than simply quality virtual employees.

If you’re feeling stressed out trying to replace staff or build your team, let us be your employment partner and we’ll take care of you.

Click here for a free consultation.