When I think of "independence," a few images come to mind: the American flag waving proudly in the breeze, a teen packing up the car and heading toward a new life, an explorer venturing into new territory after months of preparation.

As business owners, we know what it's like to venture out on our own, to take risks, and to build something from the ground up. We understand the power and responsibility that come with being independent.

But independence isn't just about going solo. It's about having the courage to stand out, to be different, and to build a brand that truly reflects your unique values and vision.

It's not enough to just be in business. You must have a brand identity that sets you apart and resonates with your target audience. Your approach needs to be intentional, strategic, and creative.

At HireSmart Virtual Employees, we've built our independent brand on a foundation of core values: Service, Mindfulness, Availability, Respect, Teamwork, Ethics and integrity, and Relationships (SMARTER). These values guide everything we do, from the clients we work with to the virtual employees we hire.

VE Earns Trust of Client as Junior Accountant, Receives HireSmart's 'Ethics and Integrity Award'

We're not afraid to do things differently, and it's that commitment to independence that has allowed us to create a truly unique offering in the market. We've learned a thing or two about building an unforgettable brand based on quality service.

So, how can you build a brand that stands out from the crowd? Here are a few strategies to get you started:

Leaders at Sea: How to Be the Lighthouse in the Fog

Tips on Communicating with Your Remote Employee

One of the ways our clients build truly unique brands is by partnering with HireSmart's virtual employees. Our VEs bring diverse skills, experiences, and perspectives to the table, allowing our clients to think outside the box and bring their creative visions to life.

"Brenda is like, I can't even imagine," said one of our clients. "If I could have 10 of this girl, my company would be so big. I can't even keep up with her. She's so smart, and she's so fast, and she's so good. I just love her."

HireSmart's 'Top Newbie VE' is an Integral Part of Property Management HR Team

When you have a team that's not only skilled but also aligned with your core values, there's no limit to what you can achieve. Your VEs become an extension of your brand, bringing fresh ideas and approaches to the table and helping you stand out.

So, as you work to build your independent brand, remember: With the right team, strategies, and a little bit of an explorer's spirit, you can create a brand that truly reflects your unique vision and values.

Do You Love a Job Well Done?

And if you need a partner in the process, HireSmart is here to help. Our VEs are ready to help you unleash your creativity, think outside the box, and build a brand that stands out for all the right reasons.

If you're ready to explore how a VE can help you build your brand, click here to schedule a consultation.


Anne + The HireSmart Team

Co-Founder – HireSmart Companies

Direct: 678-389-9929

Helping Business Owners Find Great Workers – HireSmart Virtual Employees


Helping Kids – HireSmart Cares in Action

Thank you to our clients who are creating an impact


Need to talk? Schedule a time – www.MeetHireSmart.com


Here's a personal fact: I need eight hours of sleep a night. If I get that, I can deal with most anything. If I don't, I'm a mess. 


So, the clock matters in my life. I waste little time. There's much to do, and I must sleep. Do you relate to this? 


Routines matter, right? We're best when we establish cycles and stick to them. We're at our worst when we're haphazard with our time or establish the wrong sort of cycles, like staying up too late or drinking too much. 


I think of vacations as part of my yearly mental routine. I need a refresher annually, a time to disconnect and physically go somewhere different. But "vacation" exists in our daily routines, too. 


How Can We Break the Circle of Negativity? 


Think of your daily mental space: 








As business owners, it's easy to get caught up in the productivity cycle to the point where there's no room for anything else. But just as our bodies need sleep to function, our minds need moments of active input, processing, and relaxation to stay sharp and avoid burnout. 


How do you create that mental space when your to-do list is a mile long, and your team constantly looks to you for guidance? That's where HireSmart's virtual employees come in. 


Want to Bring the Best People into Your Business? 


Our VEs are more than just remote staff. They're your partners in creating a more balanced, sustainable work life. By taking on critical tasks and providing reliable support, they free up your time and mental bandwidth to focus on the things that truly matter. 


"Mitch takes ownership of issues, goes out of her way to help the team and always stays upbeat even if she's dealing with a difficult owner," said her client. "She was our first VE and she's been so successful that we expanded the team and brought on more VEs." 


Imagine being able to step away from your desk for a midday walk, knowing that your VE is handling customer inquiries, or carve out an hour each morning for strategic planning without being pulled into the day-to-day firefighting, or even unplugging completely for a week-long vacation, confident that your business is in capable hands. 


That's the power of delegation, and it's a game-changer for busy business owners. But the benefits extend beyond your own well-being. When you're able to find moments of recharge and clarity, they ripple out to your entire team. 


Future Proofing Your Business! 


You're able to show up as a more present, focused leader. You have the mental space to listen to your employees' ideas and concerns. You can think strategically about improving processes, innovating products, and creating a workplace culture that prioritizes balance and well-being. 


When onsite employees see your balanced mindset, they are empowered to do the same. They feel empowered to take their own moments of recharge, step away from their desks for a quick reset, or actually use their PTO without guilt. 


The result is a more engaged, productive, and loyal team. When people feel their workplace supports their overall quality of life, not just their output, they're more likely to go the extra mile. 


So, how can you start infusing your daily routine with more "vacation" moments? 


Here are a few tips: 







Want to Shower Your Future Self With Gifts? 


Creating a vacation mindset in your daily life isn't about slacking off or neglecting your responsibilities. It's about recognizing that your mental well-being is just as important as your productivity and that finding moments of restoration can ultimately help you give more to your business and your people. 


HireSmart is here to help. Our VEs are ready to take on the tasks weighing you down so you can focus on the big picture and find your vacation moments every day. 


If you're ready to explore how a VE can help you create more balance and recharge in your work life, click here to schedule a consultation.  


I want you to get a good night's sleep, just like me. 




Anne + The HireSmart Team 

Summer is here, and I hope you're getting ready for some well-deserved time off. But if you're feeling guilty about stepping away or worried that your business can't spare you, I want to share some eye-opening research that might change your mind. 


A recent survey of 10,000 desk workers by Slack found that the 9-5 workday is now a myth for many. In fact, 37% of workers are logging on outside of standard hours at least once a week. And those after-hours workers? They had 20% lower productivity scores than those who logged off at the end of a normal day. 


Burnout: Why it Happens and How to Reduce It 


Meanwhile, costs are up, and vacations are falling by the wayside. A separate survey by Eagle Hill Consulting found that 38% of U.S. workers hadn't taken a vacation in the past year, largely due to costs. And even when on vacation, 25% still check work emails and messages. 


As business owners, we need to pay attention to these trends. Constantly feeling the need to work without substantial breaks is hurting both our employees and our businesses. When our teams are stressed and burned out, productivity, creativity, and job satisfaction all suffer. 


So what can we do? It starts with leading by example and taking our own vacations seriously. Show your team that it's not only OK but encouraged to fully disconnect and recharge. Communicate the importance of taking breaks, both daily and in the form of actual vacations. 


The Costs of a High Turnover Rate  


But of course, making sure the work gets done is still a priority. That's where virtual employees can be a game-changer. At HireSmart, our skilled professionals can handle key tasks and provide coverage that allows your in-house team (and you!) to take stress-free time off. 


By lightening workloads and filling in the gaps, virtual employees can play a crucial role in preventing burnout and enabling the kind of restorative breaks that ultimately benefit your business.  


As Melissa Jezior, CEO of Eagle Hill Consulting, notes, "When employees have space away from their job, they often return more energized and focused. Ultimately, that benefits their employer and customers." 


This summer, I encourage you to rethink the nonstop work mentality. Recognize that vacations aren't just a nice perk – they're a necessary tool for maintaining productivity, engagement, and mental wellbeing. And if you need support to make that happen, know that HireSmart is here to help. 


Don't Let the Good Ones Get Away  


We find thoughtful, intelligent, ambitious, dedicated, and articulate virtual employees in a market with a much lower cost of living than the U.S. That means you can pay virtual employees good wages in their market at a much more affordable rate than paying employees for the same work in your immediate surroundings. Your bill rate for your HireSmart virtual employees is a flat $9.50 an hour. And you get a great employee. 


"Alex goes above and beyond to assist the team," said one client about her VE. "She is very polite, helpful and learns quickly. She has been such a great asset to our team, that it has prompted us to hire more VEs in the future." 


Click here to schedule a conversation about how our virtual employees can help you and your team take the breaks you need to do your best work. Let's make this a summer of recharging, reconnecting, and coming back stronger than ever. 



Anne Lackey + HireSmart Team 

One of the best things about travel is that it reminds you of what you love about home. When you come back, you see everything familiar through fresh eyes. 


You can assess the good and bad aspects of your environment compared to others, making changes where needed while developing a deeper appreciation of the good things you have. 


This can be applied to work, too. 


Getting away lets us see things with fresh eyes. We can be more creative when pulled from our norms. 


It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind, putting out fires, managing teams, dealing with clients — it's constant work. But when was the last time you stepped back and really looked at your business with fresh eyes? 


Could Your Next Business Leader Be Right Under Your Nose? 


That's where vacations come in. And I'm not just talking about sipping a cool drink on a warm beach (although that sounds pretty great right now). I'm talking about the benefits of time off on your creativity and problem-solving skills. 


The Science of Recharging 


Numerous studies have shown the cognitive benefits of taking breaks. When you're constantly focused on a task, your brain gets tired. You start to lose focus, make more mistakes, and feel burned out. But when you step away, even briefly, you give your brain a chance to recharge. 


During periods of relaxation, your brain switches into a different mode. It starts to make connections between seemingly unrelated ideas. This is often when those "aha" moments strike — in the shower, on a walk, or even on vacation. 


My husband and I love the "aha!" It's one of the joys of life— that moment when we know we're on to something special. 


When Planning Clicks, You Know It's Right   



Vacation Eureka Moments 


Some of the world's greatest inventions and business ideas were born from vacation insights. Did you know that the idea for Instagram came to co-founder Kevin Systrom while he was on vacation in Mexico? Or that Lin-Manuel Miranda came up with the idea for Hamilton while reading a book on a beach vacation? 


These are just a couple of examples, but the point is clear: stepping away from the daily grind and immersing yourself in new experiences can spark innovation. 


Structuring Your Vacation for Inspiration 


So, how can you increase your chances of the vacation "aha?" Here are a few tips: 






The VE Vacation Safety Net 


Now, I know what you might be thinking: "This all sounds great, Anne, but I can't just abandon my business for a week!" I hear you. The thought of stepping away can be stressful, especially if you're used to being the one holding everything together. 


But that's where HireSmart's virtual employees come in. Our skilled, reliable VEs can help keep things running smoothly while you're away, giving you the peace of mind to unplug and let your mind wander. 


Want to Know How to Build Quality Remote Relationships? 


Imagine taking that dream vacation, knowing that your customers are being taken care of, your projects are moving forward, and your business is in good hands. That's the power of having a solid VE team in your corner. 


I've worked for over a decade perfecting the process of finding the best virtual office employees in the Philippines, where the cost of living is much lower than in the U.S. You're billed just $9.50 per hour worked, which allows you to scale your business with quality employees at a less expensive rate. 


These are quality employees. We find and evaluate talent, and we're the tops in the industry with an over 97 percent successful placement rate. We learn your needs, then find three employees who match that specific skill set. You meet all three, pick one, and we spend a week training that employee about your industry so they understand the terminology and the basics before onboarding with you. 


HireSmart VE Shows' It's All About Respect’ 


Our certification process is our key to success. It allows us to ensure VEs have the necessary skills and talent to serve our clients. We have live trainers, including myself, so we can easily evaluate their skills. We track our success and adapt as needed. If I wouldn't hire a candidate for my company, they won't be processed through to our clients. 


"I would like to credit my virtual employees' success directly related to HireSmart going in and giving that one week of HOA training on the front side, prepping them and preparing them for what this world looks like on our side because, for a lot of folks, HOA is very new," said Philessia, whose company partners with HireSmart. "So that one-week training HireSmart gives really sets them up for success on our side." 


HireSmart was an "aha" moment for my husband and me, born of a vacation story. We love being the "aha" for others, too. We've been that hundreds of times, and it's always so fun. We'd love to be that for you, too! 


Click here to set up a time to talk at your convenience. 




Anne + The HireSmart Team 

Think of a 180-degree dial, like a speedometer. On one extreme is a person performing a repetitive, mindless task while on autopilot, completely disengaged day after day. They desperately need a new challenge. 


On the other extreme, a person can hardly sleep because their mind won't shut off. They're engaged in complex, strategic thought on a myriad of issues. They need help managing their impossible workload. 


Where are you on this dial? Where are your employees? 


Nobody has fun at either extreme — whether "checked out" or "stressed out." Each person needs to be at a challenging yet manageable engagement speed. Nothing gets done at 0 mph. Crashes are common at 180 mph. 


It's necessary to assess your entire team in this way. Are they appropriately engaged? What can you do to rev up those who aren't at the right pace and bring your potential stressed-out burnouts down to a safer speed? 


When Tom Quits, Consider a VE Team Instead 


Employees are all different, so they can't be managed identically. Here are some tips on moving the dial toward the right for those not appropriately engaged, followed by tips on relieving your workhorses of some stress. 


For the disengaged: 




The Web is the Great Equalizer 




For the stressed workhorses: 



Don't Let the Good Ones Get Away  




That last point is where HireSmart Virtual Employees steps in. Most business owners are hyper-focused on efficiency, and their employees are generally stretched thin and unable to take on many new tasks. It's hard to shift duties from one person to another because many offices are maxed out, and hiring new employees locally may be too costly. 


We provide another option. What if you can hire dedicated, thoughtful, and skilled office employees from abroad at a fraction of the cost of a local hire? Our bill rate is $9.50 per hour per employee. 


For that, you get someone with a skillset specifically matched to your office needs. We don't have employees already lined up in some queue. No, we talk with you about what you need. We then search for the specific person in the Philippines with the appropriate capabilities and personality to fit into your office culture and workflow. 


Sheryl Shares How Insurance Through HireSmart Made a Difference 


Your virtual employee gets free health and dental insurance through HireSmart at no cost to you. Meanwhile, you get more quality hours at a low to help your workhorses focus on what they do best while reducing the chances they'll get burnt out and bolt somewhere else. 


If you want to get your office in a better place on the workflow speedometer, we're here for you. 


Click here to meet with us at a time that suits your schedule. 



I always have fresh flowers. Yes, I'm bragging about my husband, who set up regular deliveries for me. I welcome the weekly arrival of fresh arrangements. He knows I love flowers, and he's that kind of guy. Yes, I'm lucky! 


When Planning Clicks, You Know It's Right   


I'm thinking of April, the blooming of flowers, and the yearly promise of renewal that spring brings. I'm also thinking of how life is about connections and good relationships, which are all about mutual appreciation. 


That's personal and professional for me. I want that in all things — good connections. I want my employees to feel connected with us, the company's core values, and their inner values. That's how any organization shines — through its employees.  


Here are five tips on building a connected work environment: 


  1. Regular Gestures of Thoughtfulness: Small gestures of thoughtfulness can light up someone's day. Whether it's a kind note, a thoughtful gift, or a simple act of service, these gestures show that you care and appreciate the people around you. In the workplace, taking the time to acknowledge your team's efforts, celebrate their achievements, or even just checking in to see how they're doing can go a long way in developing a positive and supportive environment.


The Cost Benefits of Hiring VEs are Undeniable     


  1. Open and Honest Communication: Open and honest communication is vital to building trust and understanding. Encourage transparency within your team, where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. This builds an environment of trust and teamwork.


  1. Quality Time Together: Investing time in your team helps to build solid connections and camaraderie. Schedule regular team-building activities and meetings, and share experiences. Be curious about how your team members are doing. Ask questions that let them know you care about their well-being. 


  1. Recognition and Appreciation: Take the time to recognize and respect the efforts of your team members. Whether it's a public shout-out, a bonus, or a simple thank-you note, acknowledging their contributions boosts morale and motivation, creating a positive and rewarding work environment. Also, when you see them offer such gestures to their teammates, take note and praise them.


7 Steps to Hiring Quality Staff   


  1. Empathy and Support: Just as partners support each other through thick and thin, being there for your team members during challenging times builds trust and loyalty. Show empathy and support when they face difficulties, whether work-related stress, personal struggles, or professional setbacks. Offer a listening ear, provide guidance, or offer resources to help them overcome obstacles and thrive.


At HireSmart, we focus on helping you create conditions for an efficient and happy staff. Think of all the tasks your employees have that are weighing them down, pulling them away from more vital needs, and burning them out. 


Hiring is Hard; Here's How We Help 


We connect high-quality, positive-attitude, motivated Filipino virtual employees to hundreds of U.S. businesses, helping those companies manage increased workloads while lowering costs and stress. 


We are the best in the business at recruiting, assessing, and training Filipino online office employees because we don't have a group of employees simply waiting in the "virtual queue" to fill a slot. No, we meet with you and learn about your specific needs. What is your ideal candidate for this position? 


After learning your values, we look for the person who matches that skill set and personality. We have a decade of experience in this industry and an over 96-percent placement rate, tops in the field. 


We find three candidates who we believe are best suited for that role; then you meet all three. You choose a candidate, and then we put them through a 40-hour training process to learn about your industry before onboarding with you. We continue to meet with you after onboarding to ensure any concerns are addressed. Your bill rate for that employee is $9.50 per hour, and you're getting top-notch office talent for that.  


We support that employee with free health and dental insurance at no expense to clients, and we also provide educational scholarships to the children of our employees. 


HireSmart Filipino Scholarships: Airene's story 


If you want to build a greater connection with your staff this spring, consider relieving some of their office stresses by providing them assistance with the aid of our virtual employees. Click here to set up a time to chat with us. 


In the office, a helping hand can feel better than getting flowers. 


But hey, flowers are nice, right? 


So get outside this month and enjoy the colors — and the sun! Happy Spring! 




I recently saw a short clip from a famous TV series. A mentor shares advice with a younger person stepping into a leadership role in law enforcement.  


“You show loyalty; they learn loyalty. You show them it’s about the work, it’ll be about the work. You show them it’s about some other kind of game, then that’s the game they’ll play...Comes a day when you have to decide if it’s about you or the work.”  


This quote on leadership rings true for me. I love a job well done, no matter the task. It’s a pleasure to see any duty done with dignity. It’s apparent when you encounter the “respect-the-work” attitude in others, and I reflexively respect the person exhibiting it. Don’t you?  


As business owners, we set the tone. And it’s not about us. It’s about the work. Employees focused on “keeping the boss happy” can become resentful. They can misrepresent the facts to stay in good favor and then fail to maintain self-motivation. Instead, you want employees to experience the simple fulfillment of a job well done. You want them hungry for that self-satisfaction and always looking to improve. 


How do we get there? How do we help our staff feel driven to be their best?  


Here are some tips:  



A call to action: HireSmart Cares aims to help youth realize their potential    





The Cost Benefits of Hiring VEs are Undeniable     




10 Questions You Must Ask in Every VE Interview   


As a business owner, you can have a tremendous, positive impact on the people you employ. Celebrate the victories. Use setbacks as learning opportunities, not blame sessions.  


As a leader, you determine what the environment will be around you. Keep the focus on the love of a job well done — and that love will spread.  


I’d love to chat if you want to talk more about your team and making it the best it can be. Click here to set up a time that suits your schedule.  



I love how comedians follow the “Yes, and…” rule. Players in a comedy bit accept what another improviser has said and then expand on that line of thinking. 


I’ll spare you any jokes, but the premise of running with an idea and seeing where it leads is a great brainstorming tool.  


Person A: “How can we jazz up our cake sales?”  


Person B: “What if we put cake on a stick?”   


Person A: “Yes, and we can sell it like a lollipop.”  


Turns out, putting cake on a stick was a clever business move. People get a piece of cake in a convenient form, with a little less caloric investment than a regular slice, and for less cost. The phrase “sold like hot cakes” can now be amended to “sold like cake pops.”  


Committing to “Yes, and...” takes any idea beyond immediate rejection and momentarily validates it, even if it’s absurd. It encourages the continuous flow of ideas, allowing unexpected solutions and innovations to emerge.  


Honestly, HireSmart is simply a “Yes, and…” proposition carried to a successful extreme. My husband and I considered something that felt absurd at first.  


“What if we hire globally?”  


“Yes, and what if we delegate duties to offshore employees?”  


“Yes, and what if we have more time to do other tasks?”  


“Yes, and what if we hire more virtual employees and grow our business?”  


After committing to global hiring, Mark and I continued a long string of “Yes, and…” moves. Now, nearly a decade later, our company serves clients across the U.S. with hundreds of highly vetted Filipino virtual employees carrying out a wide range of duties and helping businesses reach their goals.  



Anne Lackey’s Company Offers a Unique Virtual Solution for Staffing Issues 



Early in our global hiring efforts, we discovered that the Philippines is the top place to find thoughtful, intelligent, ambitious, dedicated, and articulate virtual employees in a market with a much lower cost of living than the U.S. That means you can pay virtual employees good wages in their market at a much more affordable rate than paying employees for the same work in your immediate surroundings. Your bill rate for your HireSmart virtual employees is a flat $9.50 an hour.  


“The people that you (HireSmart) have given us are smart and sharp,” said Lori, a U.S. real estate executive who employs six Filipino virtual employees through HireSmart. “They ask questions. They just have great work ethics, and they’re good-hearted people. I don’t have any issues with anything, and they support each other. It’s a strong team. And it wouldn’t be strong if I had one weak link. But they’re all strong.” 


We’ve helped so many business owners and managers scale their companies, reduce costs, handle more tasks, and relieve stress.  



Here Are 10 Ways You Can Get Your Life Back  



We are also passionately dedicated to doing this right. I developed a method of finding talent, my “Anne-alytics,” that puts potential candidates through a gamut of testing, interviews, and assessments.  


Only one percent of applicants ever serve a client for us, meaning we only hire those who prove themselves in terms of skills, communication, work ethic, and professionalism. Our placement success rate is over 96 percent. That’s because we match specific skill sets to your particular needs. We also require VEs to pass our certification process, where we work with your employee for 40 hours to train them for their role with you before onboarding.  


Check Out Our Hiring Process   



Our certification process is our key to success. It allows us to ensure employees have the necessary skills and talent to serve our clients. We have live trainers, including myself, so we can easily evaluate their skills. We track our success and adapt as needed. If I wouldn’t hire a candidate for my company, they won’t be processed through to our clients.    


Perhaps you’ll find yourself posing the same question that Mark and I did a decade ago: “What if we hire globally?”  


If you’re considering abandoning the “Nah, forget it” and thinking more about a “Yes, and…”, well, we’ve run the long marathon of “Yes, and…”  


I’m glad to answer any questions. No, there won’t be improvisational comedy, but I’m confident we can leave you smiling. 


If you feel like chatting, click here to schedule a time that suits you.  





People always talk about weight loss resolutions after New Year's, but I'm more interested in hearing about other goals and perspectives, particularly from my employees.  


How do they feel about the past year? What were their highlights and their most significant achievements? What didn't go as they wanted? What's a skill they wish they had?  


We all get consumed in our busy lives — our avalanche of duties — and we can lose focus on our employees' outlook. If they manage responsibilities over the long haul without drama, we value that, right? That feels like dependability. You know what you're getting.  


But managerial apathy sets in if we slip into autopilot. That's why it's necessary to schedule times for reflection and input from staff. December is perfect for this because employees are preparing for the new calendar year and assessing their current situation. 


Here are some tips on how to set goals with employees and ensure they buy into the company and its aims over the next 12 months:  




Beyond Words: Turning Your Company's Core Values into Daily Actions  





More Tips on Motivating Employees  





Tips on Communicating with Employees  





More Tips on Managing Employees   


I'd love to chat if you would like to talk about employee development and how we can help you find more shining lights. Click here to set up a time that's convenient for you.  


Ready for Fun? Here’s How to Prepare Your Business  

I always need a vision of the trip ahead — the getaway with my husband when we let business thoughts go and simply enjoy each other’s company. He is quick-witted and still makes me laugh. He is fun.  

I need fun! Don’t you?  

That’s the point of hard work — to make the rest of our lives happier and easier so that we can enjoy the company of those we love.  

My calendar is marked for our 2024 getaway, and I hope you can make similar plans with the person or people closest to you.  

But getting away isn’t so simple, not if you’re a business owner or manager. You need a stable staff to make it happen. If your employees don’t understand their responsibilities, if they’re overloaded, if they conflict with each other, if turnover is constant, then you can’t relax, can you? 

I’m not a massage therapist, an acupuncturist, or a meditation guide, but my work is a type of relaxation service because I help business owners and managers find staff stability and peace of mind, which relieves them of stress hormones that lead to real headaches.  

I help owners visualize the relief ahead and establish a clear set of steps toward that goal — toward some fun! 

When setting goals for 2024, put your peace of mind first and take some steps to get there.  

Here are some things to think about:  

• What Can You Delegate? The first key to overcoming work stress is delegating. If you’re the only one capable of handling a task, you’re starting from a pressure position. And the more these tasks are solely in your lap, the harder it is to breathe. Hiring virtual employees (VEs) allows you to shift responsibilities around because there are more delegating possibilities. You can hire two to three highly qualified Filipino VEs for every in-office hire. Those VEs can allow some of your on-site staff to take on some of your responsibilities since VEs can handle some of theirs.  

Five Tips on How to Delegate Tasks  

• Is Your Staff Appropriately Trained? Consider these questions: Do your employees understand their roles? What educational opportunities could you offer them over the next 12 months? If one employee is out, how qualified are others to handle their duties in their absence? At HireSmart, we work with you to ensure your VE is trainable. We provide a 40-hour certification program to educate your virtual employee about your industry. We also offer coaching sessions for our clients who wish to discuss the management of remote employees. Once you have a remote staff on board, you can free your on-site staff to learn new tasks, creating a greater support system for your business when absences occur. 

Tips on Communicating with Your Remote Employee 

• What Are You Doing to Combat Burnout and Turnover? Have you ever worked in an office environment where employees are overloaded and at their wit’s end? If so, you’ll know that burnout and turnover are viruses you don’t want to encounter because they spread through an office, creating problems on top of problems. Hiring virtual employees is a fantastic way to reduce stress on your existing staff because you can reduce the time they spend on their least engaging tasks by shifting that to your VEs. 

Burnout: Why it Happens and How to Reduce It 

• What’s Most Cost-Effective? The status quo in the hiring world is to seek an employee from a drivable distance from the office. This limits the job pool of candidates and ties an employer to the local market rate for such a position. But there are so many educated, highly qualified, articulate, and good-natured employees in the Philippines, which has a much lower cost of living than the U.S., meaning an hour worked there is much cheaper than here. We have a proven process of finding the top Filipino virtual employees, with only one percent of our applicants making the cut. Any potential employee must meet our high standards before they meet you. 

Two For One is a Bargain  

HireSmart is a business success agency. We focus on helping other businesses realize their full potential, and that involves owners and managers operating at peak efficiency.  

One of our clients, James, a corporate officer and association manager, spoke of being in “crisis mode” every day. The long, six-days-a-week mad dash to get everything done was wearing him down. 

“I knew I was starting to suffer from burnout, and I needed somebody to assist me to make those things happen so I could start to breathe a little bit,” he said.  

James found relief with Eli, a Filipino virtual employee from HireSmart Virtual Employees.    

“He is embracing everything I’m throwing at him, and so that’s anything from property association management to corporate stuff,” said James about Eli. “I know that when we go out looking for another VE, we’re going to be looking for somebody like Eli. Those are the traits we will look for in another VE: somebody who is ambitious, an overachiever, who embraces technology, and is willing to step out of their comfort zone to learn and to try things.”  

As you think of the year ahead, put your peace of mind up top. Allow for some fun!  

And consider what steps you need to take to get there. I’d love to help you make it happen. I feel sure your loved ones want to see it, too. Bon voyage in 2024!  

Click here to schedule a meeting with me at your convenience.  

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