Tell me a story. Young and old want the same. We're creatures of narrative, entertained by tales of journeys, conflicts, love, despair, and hope. 


We each have our own stories. Your business has a narrative, too. What's your company's creation story? How did it grow? What's happening now, and where will the business be in 10 years? Those are powerful narratives involving multiple personal stories, too. 


This month, I'm talking about "fun in business," and sharing stories tops my list. 


Anne Lackey's Company Offers a Unique Virtual Solution for Staffing Issues 


We formed HireSmart after my husband, Mark, and I went on vacation, and the employee we left in charge of our property management company texted her resignation right as we were headed for breakfast on our first morning there. This was a much-needed getaway as we had waited 7 years. Unfortunately, after less than 1 day there, we ended up packing our bags and driving 6 hours to head back home. It was at that moment we determined to set up a more reliable form of staffing for our business. We did that, and then we created a new company to do that for others. 


Since then, we've helped hundreds of business owners and managers find greater workload efficiencies through low-cost, reliable office staffing from the Philippines. 


Beyond Words: Turning Your Company's Core Values into Daily Actions   


But enough about me. I'm interested in you. Seriously. What's your story? It's honestly a joy to hear other people talk about their lives and their challenges. I've learned that engaging in another's mental journey and walking with them as they contemplate decisions is deeply rewarding. 


And if you're a business owner, I can empathize with the twists and turns of your story. You never really put it to bed, do you? The story goes on while we sleep because owning a business is 24/7/365. 


Even now, I live that, too. HireSmart is our child in a way. We're always thinking about it. We're always considering how to serve our clients because a customer-centric focus is the only way any business truly thrives. You understand this, too. 


You also know that any business is only as good as its people. These questions are crucial for your business: who you hire, how they perform, how they improve, and how long they stay. 


At HireSmart, we're deep in that narrative for hundreds of companies daily. We're pros at finding the right person to suit our client's specific needs at a low cost. 


The Cost Benefits of Hiring Virtually 


As you consider your business narrative, remember that every quality story has a beginning and an end. It also includes a character who sees an obstacle and takes action to resolve that problem. 


HireSmart has served as a positive plot turn for many business narratives. Staffing was a problem, and owners and managers sought us out for solutions, finding that onsite staff could be freed up to perform crucial duties by shifting other work to online employees. 


"We were on the fence for a really long time, for many years," said Abby, director of operations for a U.S. property management company. "And when we got our virtual employee, I thought about how different we could have scaled our company, how we could have improved policies and procedures if we had taken on virtual employees many years ago." 


There is No "Box" When Hiring in Today's World 


Abby's company has six HireSmart virtual employees. 


"Collectively, they're some of the most positive people I've ever been in communication with," she said. "They're very hardworking, very upbeat, and just go, go, go." 


It's so fun to link people like Abby with quality employees from afar who aren't so different from us. They love their families, want to provide value to the world, and want to have fun and be happy.  


HireSmart VE Is Always Available for His Family and Profession 


Our business is a feel-good narrative because it aims to be that for others — a feel-good story. 


What's your business story? And can we help you shape it to be even better? 


Click here if you'd like to chat about that. 


It would be truly fun for me, and I think you'd enjoy it, too — your story taking shape.  



My husband and I love puzzles. We always have one on a table, and we stop to work a little at a time, making slow progress until the picture is complete. 


It's fun, but it's symbolic, too. That's our life in business. We put puzzles together, and there's such joy in each new link of success, one little piece joining the next. 


It's not work for us. It's play. We're engaged in the imaginative process. If we match these two things together, then hey, it looks like this. Cool! Where's the next piece? Let's keep going. 


We created HireSmart 10 years ago with precisely this mental playfulness. We took long car rides and sat at our "mission control" kitchen table, discussing the business puzzle and how it might take shape. But that required studying one puzzle piece and its peculiar shape, then finding the right match in our big pile of thoughts. We did this day after day for years until a clear, beautiful picture took shape. 


When Planning Clicks, You Know It's Right   


HireSmart functions as a puzzle, too. We study people, and then link matches to create a great picture. We look at each particular shape. What is significant about this office? What makes it unique? What picture does the owner or manager want to see? 


We listen. We assess. We act. 


We bring the matching piece to the office puzzle. It's more important than a game for us, but there's a joyful game element in our work. We don't find any satisfaction in the process unless we feel that click, two right pieces meeting each other. It's fun! 


We discovered that the Philippines is the best hiring ground for virtual office assistance for U.S. businesses seeking quality employees at a reduced cost. 


English is the official business language of the nation. The dollar goes far there. And we encounter so many gracious, thoughtful, and family-oriented people eager for a stable, full-time job, which we provide. 


I spent years perfecting a proprietary "Anne-alytics" process for evaluating potential Filipino employees, and only one percent of applicants are hired to our team. Before onboarding with you, our employees must also pass 40 hours of certification training, where they're educated on your industry, terminology, and job duties. 


Anne Lackey's Company Offers a Unique Virtual Solution for Staffing Issues 


That rigorous evaluation process gives us a successful placement rate of over 98 percent with our clients. Most offices can't boast that 49 of 50 new hires work out, but we provide that to our clients. And if you're the 1 in 50, we will work with you on a suitable replacement. 


What could you accomplish if you hire talented, high-character employees at a bill rate of $9.50 an hour? Could you tackle tasks that aren't being addressed? Could you shift responsibilities away from employees in need of assistance? Could you save on personnel costs and address other business needs? 


We provide these connected puzzle pieces to business owners to help them shape their big picture. 


We also help our Filipino families shape their big picture by providing free health and dental coverage at no cost to clients, along with scholarship opportunities for our employees' children, assistance during hardship, ongoing professional support from our team, and now even retirement benefit options. 


Are you working on your business puzzle? Would you like to click pieces together in a satisfying way? Isn't that fun? 


Hiring is Hard; Here's How We Help 


If you want to sit with us at the puzzle table to make satisfying links in your business picture, click here to set up a chat at your convenience. 


Whether we join a business relationship or simply discuss your strategies without a partnership, I will enjoy it. I love the playfulness of making business better. I'll never tire of that game. I hope you find your fun, too! 




Anne + The HireSmart Team 


Co-Founder – HireSmart Companies 

Direct: 678-389-9929 


Helping Business Owners Find Great Workers – HireSmart Virtual Employees 


Helping Kids – HireSmart Cares in Action 

Thank you to our clients who are creating an impact 


Need to talk? Schedule a time – 


Who runs this show? 


I enter every business with that question in mind. Sometimes, I want to shake that person's hand and congratulate them on their remarkable organizational skills. 


But sometimes, I'm struck by all the bad notes, like an orchestra with failing instruments or untrained members. The place is off-key, disjointed. I wish for a good heart-to-heart with the person overseeing a troubled environment. 


Don't Let the Good Ones Get Away  


But keeping your business in tune is tough, much like conducting an orchestra. Every section, from strings to percussion, has a vital role, and the conductor must ensure they all come together in harmony to please the audience. 


So here are some "conductor's steps" to clean up the bad notes and ensure customer satisfaction: 




There is No "Box" When Hiring in Today's World 




At HireSmart, we help business owners bring their organizations in greater harmony by providing quality new "musicians" into their ensembles at bargain rates. 


Our Filipino virtual office employees must pass a rigorous qualification process to join your team. Only one percent of our applicants make the grade, and due to our vigorous pre-placement scrutiny, we have the top successful placement rate in the business at over 96 percent. 


Ready for Fun? Here's How to Prepare Your Business 


It's simple. We have a streamlined, rigorous hiring process. This means we weed through the ones who aren't a fit, those who don't have what it takes to perform for our clients.  


Once we've chosen three candidates who we believe match your needs, you interview them, and then you decide on the best match. 


After that, the potential hire must complete a 40-hour certification process before onboarding with you. They'll learn about your industry and what's expected in the new role. 


Our certification process is our key to success. It allows us to ensure new employees have the necessary skills and talent to serve our clients. We have live trainers, including myself, so we can quickly evaluate their skills. We track our success and adapt as needed. 


We work diligently to ensure that the "musician" joining your symphony knows how to play the expected instrument professionally. 


The Cost Benefits of Hiring VEs are Undeniable  


After onboarding, we're there to help you and your VE stay in tune. 


When someone looks at your business and asks, "Who runs this show?" we want them to seek you out to shake your hand on a job well done. 


We help business owners multiply such handshakes, and we'd love to shake your hand on that partnership. 


Click here if you're interested in a get-to-know-you session where we can answer any of your questions and give you more details about the process. 



We live in Plan A. We survive in Plan B. 


If the fire happens, the massive storm, or any form of the big "Oh No!" arrives, what's your plan? 


Not every catastrophe involves 911. A "Mayday!" moment can be staffing turmoil. What, Tom quit? Who'll do his job? 


When Tom Quits, Consider a VE Team Instead 


I think of "spring cleaning" in April, and one way to tidy your business is to get your staffing "Plan B" in order before any personnel storm. 


How do you do this? Well, here are five tips on solidifying your "Plan B": 


  1. Identify Critical Job Functions: Identify your organization's job functions and roles that are critical to maintaining essential business operations. These may include roles related to customer service, finance, operations, IT support, and other core functions. Assess the potential impact of the absence of individuals in these roles on your business's ability to function effectively.


  1. Cross-Train Employees: Once you've identified critical job functions, develop a cross-training program to ensure multiple employees can perform these tasks. Provide training and resources to employees to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to take on additional responsibilities. Encourage employee teamwork for knowledge sharing and skill development across different departments and teams.


  1. Document Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Document your standard operating procedures (SOPs) for each critical job function, outlining step-by-step instructions, best practices, and key performance indicators (KPIs). Make these SOPs easily accessible to employees through a centralized document repository or knowledge management system. If Tom suddenly quits, you need to explain his duties to the next person fully. Don't wait until a person leaves. Have the procedures ready to go in writing.


7 Steps to Hiring Quality Staff   


  1. Establish Backup Roles and Responsibilities: Establish backup roles and responsibilities for each job. Designate backups or alternates who can step in and assume the tasks of primary role holders in their absence. Communicate these backup assignments to employees and ensure they understand their roles and responsibilities during transitions or emergencies. Also, think about the workload you're putting on the alternate when the new duty arrives on their plate. Prepare for a secondary shift of some responsibilities. That person will need some help.


  1. Test and Evaluate Redundancy Plans: Consider holding an occasional "fire drill" for your team. Walk through various scenarios, such as employee absences, equipment failures, or service disruptions, and assess your team's ability to respond and adapt accordingly. Use feedback from these exercises to identify areas for improvement and refine your redundancy plans as needed.


We all have emergency moments. But planning gets us through them. 


You might read all this and say, "Great, Anne, sounds good, but we're stretched too thin to do any contingency planning. We can hardly get our Plan A satisfied, let alone a Plan B." 


That feeling — that right there! — is actually the whole point of our business. We get it! Yes, that makes perfect sense. You're pulled in too many directions. We were there, too. 


You need a bigger team to help you manage all the duties, but you can't afford to hire a large staff. 


What could you do if you could expand your staff by hiring quality employees at the rate of $9.50 an hour? Would this help? 


Two For One is a Bargain 


That's what we provide. We have a tried-and-true process of learning your specific needs, and then finding top office talent in the Philippines with the skill set and personality you seek to work full-time for you at a bargain price. 


The cost of living is so much less expensive in the Philippines than in the U.S., so the dollars our employees earn are strong in that market, though your hourly commitment remains low. 


We provide our employees with free health and dental insurance, all of which are part of the billing rate. Our VEs are also offered educational scholarship opportunities for their children through HireSmart. 


HireSmart Filipino Scholarships: Airene's story 


When you can add quality employees to your staff at an affordable cost, you can integrate them into your daily Plan A and then actually develop a Plan B to manage emergencies. 


If you want improved control of your office workflow, click here to schedule a chat at your convenience. 


A fellow Rotarian recently recounted how his early political mentor always insisted he stay in the room during sensitive talks, even when others suggested he should leave. "No, he needs to stay. How will we have good leaders in the future if we cut them out of every important conversation?"  


The Rotarian said this meant the world to him — how his older mentor invested in him as worthy enough to hear the "real talk." The learning experience was invaluable. This Rotarian has gone on to be an excellent local leader, too, and he focuses on treating highly responsible youth in the same way he was respected, as a potential future leader who needs to hear the "real talk."  


Right on! I'm hearing The Who and that tune, "My Generation." It's easy to think "My Generation" gets it and yours doesn't, but that's pointless talk. Think of the bigger picture: If we're simultaneously on Earth, then we're contemporaries. It's on each of us to listen to other generations' voices and share our knowledge with different age groups while absorbing wisdom, too.  


Over time, we each play different parts in the generational cycle. If you're a business owner, you've got such an opportunity to give back to younger generations.  


I find this thrilling, an energy source in life. I've spent years cramming my head with knowledge about business management, financial planning, real estate, real estate investing, managing staff, entrepreneurship, global hiring, scouting deals in everything, and personal growth.  


Beyond Words: Turning Your Company’s Core Values into Daily Actions    


My mind has raced nonstop for decades, looking for efficiencies and the best situations that match my core values. My husband is the same. We've been successful because we value planning and proper processes.   


When Planning Clicks, You Know It's Right   


I want the same for kids! I want them to be financially literate and energized to better the world. I want them to love each other. We try to have as many good heart-to-heart talks with young people as possible because we want them to have every tool they need to succeed.  


That's precisely why we started our nonprofit, HireSmart Cares. We want to provide youth with the tools, technology, teaching, and time to thrive. We have numerous initiatives aimed at empowering the next generation. 


A call to action: HireSmart Cares aims to help youth realize their potential    


Does this resonate with you? Do you wish to see youth empowered? How can you do this in your business? How can you do this in your community? What needs do you see? What solutions? I'd love to talk to you about this and hear your ideas on giving back to the next generation. I'm an avid learner in this regard, and I also have plenty of ideas because it's a focus for us. 


Here are some tips to help you empower youth on your staff:  









As you think about Valentine's Day and love this February, don't limit "love" to that romantic kind. Think about loving the next generation and what you can do to advance the world positively. What can you do to "give back" effectively?  


If you would like to discuss this, I'd be delighted. Click here to set up a time that suits your schedule.  



A business can sail to its destination or be a dysfunctional rowboat spinning in circles. It’s up to the business owner to establish a common goal and motivate the team to reach that lighthouse in the distance. 


Here are some obstacles you may face when trying to get your team aligned, followed by some solutions: 




Beyond Words: Turning Your Company’s Core Values into Daily Actions  






There is no “box” when hiring in today’s world  








Tasks You That Can Delegate to Your Virtual Employee   





I’d love to chat if you’re interested in discussing your staffing issues and what solutions are available. Click here to set up a time at your convenience. 




Only when you’ve lived a little and seen both sides of humans, the good and the bad, can you genuinely appreciate a good-hearted person and what they can mean in your life. 


We all want this in our families. I’m fortunate to have a spouse who is rock solid. I wish for everyone to experience that sort of connection. I haven’t always had that in my life, and so I’m keenly aware of my good fortune. 


One of our company’s core values is “relationships.” I want the best relationships in all aspects of my life — connections built on trust, empathy, respect, and service. I seek this everywhere, personally and professionally. This desire is the basis of all my business decisions.  


That begins with our employees, who are HireSmart’s foundation. They work so hard and make me proud. I have a group of committed individuals in the Philippines and the U.S. who understand and live by our core values. 



Beyond Words: Turning Your Company’s Core Values into Daily Actions  



We also have an extensive network of clients who begin to feel like friends over time, not just business partners. We work diligently to find the best working relationships for our clients in the virtual realm, and we’re tops at linking U.S. businesses to professional Filipino virtual employees. We’re not just providing a business service; we’re creating new, positive relationships, which is the ultimate value in what we do. 


We work hard to make this happen, finding the top employees available and providing up-front training and a 40-hour certification process to ensure your new employee has the basics of what’s expected.  


“When I look at other (virtual employment) agencies that don’t have that training up front, they’re a little bit slower at picking up,” said Philessia, a customer care supervisor at a community association management agency, who employs 17 virtual employees through HireSmart. “They come in already with a bunch of information about what an HOA does, and that makes our training on our side a lot easier because they’re already familiar with some of the lingo and some of the practices and things like that.” 


We help you build new, quality working relationships with virtual employees, allowing you to scale your business, tackle more tasks, and reduce costs, with an hourly bill rate per employee of $9.50. We maintain a working relationship with our clients over time to ensure they get the service they need and expect.  



The Cost Benefits of Hiring Virtually   



I’m mindful of the skepticism you might have about hiring globally. It’s daunting at first. It was for me nearly a decade ago when I started. But I’ve worked nonstop over the past 10 years to get it right, including developing an exhaustive vetting process. We talk to you about specific tasks you need handled, and then we search for potential employees with the skillset and personality to match your needs. At the end of our search, we bring you three qualified candidates to interview. There’s no “next-one-in-the-queue” assembly-line hiring with us. Each hire is specially made. That’s why we have a successful placement rate of over 96 percent. 



Check Out Our Hiring Process   



Since costs are low, our clients can hire virtual teams, replacing one in-office hire with two or three virtual staff members, giving owners and managers flexibility in allocating work. This sort of strategic staffing pays off for our clients.  


Tony, a maintenance coordinator for a property management firm, works with five HireSmart VEs in his department.  


“They’re all very sweet, very nice, very caring,” he said. “They care about their work product. They are hardworking, smart, diligent. They want to do good for us all the time. And they do. I absolutely love those girls, and I think they’re all amazing.”  


When you work with us, please know that we aim to bring you the best in people. We do exhaustive homework to make that happen. Life is all about relationships. Business, too. That’s why “relationships” are a company’s core value. We want you to feel a connection. We want you to be enriched, not just financially but also in the quality of your day-to-day interactions. We’re pros in this regard, and we’d love to prove that to you.  


If you’re interested in chatting, I’d love it. Click here to set up an appointment.  




There's work to do, and you need to hire someone. 


The question is: Do you want a full-time employee, a temp worker, or a contractor — someone to come in, perform a task, and then leave? 


In the online employment world, a "virtual employee" (VE) is full-time, while a "virtual assistant" (VA) is a temp worker or freelancer. 


Both have their place. Your logo needs a redesign, but you don't want to hire a graphic designer full-time to produce the image you need. A VA is perfect for the one-time task, and numerous agencies online offer to connect you with an assistant at a range of prices, depending on their locale and the quality of their previous work. 


In such a case, you don't need to invest in training. You hire a VA for a one-time role. They're likely juggling multiple gigs in addition to yours, and they're not investing all their time in one place, just like the plumber who goes from house to house. 


VAs can also prove worthwhile when you need seasonal help, such as during the Christmas rush. 




Virtual assistants have their place in the economy. But at HireSmart, we leave VAs to other agencies. Instead, we focus on virtual employees (VEs). Why? Well, our strength is relationship-building. And that only comes with investing time in both employees and clients. 


We want every client to have loyal, qualified, emotionally intelligent, and dependable employees who clocks in for you daily, efficiently taking care of your needs. 


Every company needs its stalwarts, its go-to people, and its stars; our business is finding them for you. 




Traditionally, organizations place job postings and seek to hire someone who lives within driving distance of the office. A manager may know someone who is a good fit — a friend of a friend.   


Hiring in-office labor typically limits the geographic radius of the candidate search. The local position also requires a salary aligned with the area marketplace for such roles. Geography and pay narrow the field of potential candidates. 


However, more U.S. small and mid-sized businesses are seeing the bigger picture. You don't have to constrain your search to your immediate surroundings. There's considerable talent abroad: people with a mastery of English, an eagerness to learn, and a great attitude who match the exact skill sets you need. They're available at a fraction of the cost of a U.S. office employee since they live in a country with a lower cost of living than the states. 



Anne Lackey's Company Offers a Unique Virtual Solution for Staffing Issues  





Whether a local hire or a virtual one, a full-time employee holds numerous advantages over short-term help. 


A VE develops an understanding of your company that no VA can provide. The VE learns your processes, terminology, production speed, and culture. Communication with a VA must focus on a specific project, but VEs are determined to rise above their entry-level position, gain new skills, and prove their worth in your organization while handling various tasks over time. 


When VEs reach their goals and are recognized for it, they are loyal, and clients feel that back toward them. A VE is the face you see on screen every day, a presence just like the person in the office you pass in the hall. Managers develop rapport with their VEs just like the in-office employees.   


That connection includes shared knowledge about past work, how it was done, and what needs to happen moving forward. VEs provide contextual knowledge in a way no VA can. 



Here are 47 tasks a virtual employee can handle for you.  





At HireSmart, we've spent nearly a decade finding these high quality VEs in the Philippines. It's what we do. 


We start with input from clients on what they need. What tasks are holding you back from reaching your targets? What duties are ignored due to a lack of staff to tackle the job? 


Every company has an idea of peak performance, but all face impediments to the mountaintop. Yet, some rise higher than others. We love helping businesses climb beyond their competitors by boosting the strength of their staff in the most cost-efficient manner. 



Hiring is Hard; Here's How We Help   


We hold employees to high standards. Only one percent of our applicants make it through our testing, interview, and training process to serve our clients. At the end of our evaluation process, we present clients with three choices for each position. They pick the best fit, and then the employee enters our certification process, learning about their duties with the client. 




We invest in our virtual employees and strive to improve their lives. We provide health and dental insurance at no cost to the VEs. We also offer leadership training opportunities and scholarships for their children. When they're in trouble, we step in to help, such as after Typhoon Rai in 2021, when we assisted 31 families affected by the storm. 


"They (HireSmart) were concerned and checking in to see how we were doing," said Richan after the typhoon. "You know somebody cares, and you can count on them. They really are family!"   



HireSmart Cares Typhoon Assistance — Richan's Story  


The human connection is real, and the VEs prove that daily to our clients, who care for their virtual staff. 


"They're all very sweet, very nice, very caring," said Tony Pinochi, Maintenance Supervisor at Prandi Property Management, about his virtual staff through HireSmart. "They care about what we think about them. They care about their work product. They are hardworking, smart, and diligent. They want to do good for us all the time. And they do. I absolutely love those girls, and I think they're all amazing." 




Do you want to consider hiring VEs to help you scale your business, lighten the load on in-office staff, or tackle tasks that have fallen by the wayside? 


Click here to schedule a free chat with me at your convenience. I'd love to hear how things are going for you and see if we can help you meet your goals and reduce your stress. 


It's what we do. We're good at it, and it's fun. The VE experience truly opens a world of possibility. It can for you, too. 


Employee onboarding is like inviting a new person you recently met to a dinner party at your house. 


And just like hosting a party, you want to make onboarding memorable and enjoyable and leave a lasting impression. 


Along those same lines, building an effective employee onboarding program is like preparing a delightful meal for your new team members.   


Every detail matters when creating a great dinner.  


And every detail that goes into a well-thought-out onboarding program sets the stage for a positive and productive employee experience.   


So, let's draw parallels between serving a delectable meal for new friends and crafting an exceptional onboarding experience for your new hires.  



10 Questions You Must Ask in Every VE Interview 


Choose the Right Ingredients 


When preparing a dinner, you select the finest ingredients that complement each other and contribute to the overall flavor.  


Similarly, a successful onboarding program begins with choosing the correct elements to help new employees adjust to their roles and the company culture.   


These ingredients include:  


Comprehensive Orientation: Provide an in-depth introduction to the company's values, mission, and goals to give employees a sense of purpose and alignment.  


Training and Development: Offer training sessions tailored to individual roles, ensuring new staff have the knowledge and skills necessary to excel.  



Generate More of You: Anne Talks About Hiring VEs on the Property Management Podcast  



Buddying or Mentoring: Pair new employees with experienced colleagues who can guide them through their early days, answering questions and providing support.  


Access to Resources: Equip new hires with the tools, documents, and information they need to hit the ground running.  


Prepare the Ingredients with Care 


Like a good chef paying attention to details while preparing each dish, crafting an onboarding program requires careful planning and execution.   


Your onboarding process should be structured, personalized, and adaptable.   


Consider the following:  


Personalized Approach: Tailor the onboarding experience to each employee's role and background.   


Address their specific needs and interests to make them feel valued.  


Checkpoints and Feedback: Regularly assess the progress of the onboarding process and gather feedback from new hires.   


This helps you make adjustments and improvements as needed.  


Flexibility: Recognize that every new hire is different.   


Allow room for flexibility in the onboarding program to cater to individual learning styles and preferences.  



Check Out Our Hiring Process  



Presentation and Atmosphere Matter 


As a host, you create a warm and inviting atmosphere for your dinner guests.   


Similarly, the onboarding experience should foster a welcoming and positive environment for new employees.  


This can be achieved through:  


Warm Welcome: Extend a heartfelt welcome to new hires when they accept the offer.   


A friendly onboarding team, a welcome package, and a personalized message from you or your manager can make all the difference.  


Introductions: Facilitate introductions to key team members and colleagues, promoting a sense of belonging and camaraderie.  


Company Culture Showcasing: Showcase the company culture through storytelling, team-building activities, and virtual social events.   


This helps new employees quickly integrate into the organizational culture.  


Savor the Experience 


A delightful dinner leaves your guests with a sense of satisfaction and pleasure.   


A well-designed onboarding program gives new employees a positive impression of their new workplace.   


A successful onboarding process leads to the following:  


Reduced Time-to-Productivity: A comprehensive onboarding program equips employees with the necessary knowledge and resources, accelerating their time-to-productivity.  


Increased Retention: Employees who experience a well-structured onboarding process are more likely to feel engaged and committed to the organization, reducing turnover.  


Improved Employee Experience: A positive onboarding experience enhances the overall employee experience, contributing to higher job satisfaction and a sense of loyalty.  



Here Are 10 Ways You can get Your Life Back 



Just as preparing a memorable dinner requires thought, effort, and attention to detail, building an effective employee onboarding program demands a well-designed and strategic approach.   


Selecting the right elements, planning carefully, fostering a welcoming atmosphere, and creating a positive experience set the stage for a successful and long-lasting relationship with your new hires.   


At HireSmart, we know from years of experience that a great onboarding program is the secret ingredient to nurturing a talented and engaged workforce.  


If you're interested in a staffing company that's invested in the success and growth of your organization, click here for a free consultation.   



If you’re thinking about hiring a virtual employee (and you should be!), you’re probably wondering how to go about finding one.

It’s possible to try on your own through Craigslist, or another job board that lists worldwide.

We’ve tried posting positions on those sites and occasionally come across a decent candidate or two.

But even when you’re lucky enough to find what looks like a good prospect, that’s just the beginning of the process.

Checking references is a little more challenging for virtual employees.

Making sure they have the appropriate computer, software, internet connection, and workspace is a lot more challenging.

Testing their skills, their communication style, their grammar, and writing – these things are essential and they take quite a bit of time.

This is the exact reason why we started HireSmart.

We realized that by partnering with a Philippine Staffing Agency, we could remove most of the stress and time pressures for our clients wanting to hire virtual employees.

Because it’s not about just finding any old person to join you and your team.

It’s about finding the right person with the right skills, personality, and work ethic to fit seamlessly into your team.

That’s our mission and our goal for every new hire and we’ve proven ourselves to be excellent at doing just that.

Our clients are surprised and delighted when they realize all the benefits of working with us.

Here are some of the value-added benefits of employment agencies, in addition to providing you with a shortlist of candidates.

Employment agencies offer a range of services including screening and vetting candidates, conducting background checks, and verifying employment history.

These services can be particularly valuable when it comes to hiring virtual employees, as it can be difficult to gauge a candidate’s suitability for a role when they’re applying remotely.

One of the key benefits of using an employment agency to hire a virtual employee is the time and resources that it can save.

According to a blog post on the HCMWorks website –

"recruiting is a time-consuming and resource-intensive process that can take weeks or even months to complete."

Working with an employment agency means you can offload most of the work of finding and screening candidates.

This frees up your HR staff (especially if you’re the owner and HR) to focus on other priorities.

Another advantage of using an employment agency to hire a virtual employee is their expertise and experience.

This expertise is especially valuable for hiring virtual employees because the particulars for remote work are a bit different than for in-person roles.

Also, and significantly, employment agencies offer valuable support and guidance throughout the hiring process.

As noted in a blog post on the GoHire website –

"working with an employment agency can make the process of hiring a virtual employee much smoother and more efficient."

Finally, working with an employment agency can help to reduce the risk of a bad hire.

As a business owner, you know that hiring the wrong person can be expensive in terms of time and money.

Using the screening and vetting services of an employment agency increases the chances of finding a candidate who is a good fit for your business.

There’s no need for you to go through the process of hiring a virtual employee by yourself.

HireSmart is here to help.

If you’re ready to unlock the value and resources of our high-quality employment agency, click here for a free consultation.

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