Selection Interviews:
Both the business owner and the person that will become the VEs day to day manager must be present
and included in the Client Interviews of the 3 candidates and a part of the evaluation and selection
process to have buy-in by all parties.

Properly Onboard:
Anytime you have a new team member; you need to provide them with training, introduce them to the
existing team, and give them time and attention. A virtual employee is no different. To have the best
results, you should treat them like any other new hire. Here is a short video to help you -

Give us Feedback:
We will be sending out regular emails asking questions – you must reply to those emails to let us know
how things are going. It shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes to reply, but it is important we hear from
you to keep our promise and not void the guarantee.

Common issues that you can avoid:

Close of Business Reports: Each VE is trained to provide a written daily report of their work. Read
them and provide feedback. We recommend providing them with KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
that they track every day. If you need help with creating KPIs – let me know, and I will be happy to
help. Here is an article about KPIs. Not reviewing
or not requiring these close of business reports can be a fatal flaw. It is a requirement for the guarantee
that your virtual professional provides them and that you provide us with your feedback on them when
we check in.

Change in Manager, Duties or Schedule: We specifically recruited your virtual employee for the
person who interviewed them to do the original tasks on your intake form. If there is a change, we
need to know about it. Since often the new manager wasn’t part of the process, and this can create
conflict. The virtual employee has a new person to get to know, and the new manager wasn’t part of
our process. Also, changing their responsibilities or schedule can also lead to dissatisfaction. We must
be made aware of any changes as soon as possible.

Absenteeism, Late Starts, & Technology Issues: Your virtual employee has a requirement to notify
us of any attendance issues. However, since we are not managing them day to day, it is your
responsibility to let us know as well. If your virtual employee is late to work, not going to report for the
day, or is having a technology issue that lasts more than 15 minutes, please email

CustomerService immediately. This allows us to make sure that the
virtual employee has followed protocol as well as make sure that we are aware of any potential issues
so that we can get involved to fix the issue.

Alert us as soon as there is a problem: We have found that by communicating with us early in the
process, we can navigate issues and clear them up quickly. If you wait until you and your team are so
frustrated, then it is hard for us to fix any issues as the trust has been eroded. 99% of the issues come
down to expectations not being met which can typically be solved with communication.

Most of all we want you to have great success. This is our way of helping you achieve that

All our best,

The HireSmart Team


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