How to Become a Better Leader

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How many people are you currently managing? What is your management style? We all know that being a boss and being a leader can be different in many aspects.

Here are some of the articles we researched discussing practices to help you guide your team better and help you enhance your leadership skills.

1.  The University of Notre Dame Online shares a few of the qualities and traits of great leaders that you can learn and practice in managing your team.

What Makes an Effective Leader

2. Hope you can learn from this podcast by Kate Erickson on to become a better leader.  Her 7 steps are simple but provide some insight on how to take action to become a better leader.

Becoming a better leader: 7 Steps you can take now

3. Business News Daily asked CEOs, managers and leadership experts for their best advice on becoming a better leader. Here’s what they had to say.

8 Simple Ways to Become a Better Leader 

4. “Cut your losses when necessary.” This is just one of the 50 rules in becoming a great leader by Entrepreneur. Find out the other rules in this article below.

50 Rules for Being a Great Leader

See any similarities among the advice? Communication and knowing your team is a consistent theme throughout. We help business owners find excellent team members to complement your leadership. Let us help you find your next staff member. Curious? Book an appointment to learn more.