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Recent Articles

June 14, 2024
Why Your Employees (and You) Need a Real Break This Summer

Summer is here, and I hope you're getting ready for some well-deserved time off. But if you're feeling guilty about stepping away or worried that your business can't spare you, I want to share some eye-opening research that might change your mind.    A recent survey of 10,000 desk workers by Slack found that the […]

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June 13, 2024
Is Your Business Ready for the Day You Retire?

As a business owner, you've poured your heart and soul into building your company. You've weathered storms, celebrated triumphs, and invested countless hours in making your vision a reality. But have you given the same level of attention to planning your exit strategy and securing your legacy?    Retirement may seem like a distant dream, […]

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June 11, 2024
Sick of Being Too Busy for a Break?

διακοπές — That's the Greek word for "vacation." And for several years, "vacation" was as unfamiliar to my husband and me as its Greek translation.    As new business owners, we poured every moment into our entrepreneurial endeavors, forgoing our own paychecks to pay our employees, getting little sleep, and squeezing every little luxury out […]

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June 7, 2024
Ever Realized the Business Potential of a Good Break?

One of the best things about travel is that it reminds you of what you love about home. When you come back, you see everything familiar through fresh eyes.    You can assess the good and bad aspects of your environment compared to others, making changes where needed while developing a deeper appreciation of the […]

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June 6, 2024
Sun's Out, Manager's Out (of Office): Prepping for HOA Manager Vacation Time

Summer is right around the corner, and you know what that means: Summer vacation. Not enough businesses are willing to admit that vacation time is crucial.     It's not just a luxury or a perk — it's a necessity. Ensuring that your staff members are mentally healthy and can separate work from play goes a […]

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June 4, 2024
Business Owners, Are You Struggling to Take a Break?

The HireSmart Genesis story is actually about a vacation nightmare. We finally managed to get our property management company into a state where we could step away. We booked the flights, packed the bags, said farewells, got to the resort, and then the text hit.    For my husband and me, the short digital message […]

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May 30, 2024
Want to Tell Your Business Story? Here's How

  No business can succeed in a bubble. You have to put yourself out there. While some business owners dislike marketing — the "hey, look at us!" aspect — I find it quite fun. It's storytelling.    What stories do we tell? What purpose do the stories serve? What can we do to help customers […]

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May 28, 2024
Looking for a Deeper Kind of Fun in Your Work Life?

  We tend to think of “fun” as the quick dopamine jolt of joy, a side-splitting laugh, or a toe-tapping tune.    But there are more profound types of “fun,” which aren’t so fleeting. It’s “fun” to see incremental progress in learning an instrument, to lose yourself in a long novel, or to restore something […]

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May 21, 2024
A Tale of Better Staffing; How to Write It For Yourself

Tell me a story. Young and old want the same. We're creatures of narrative, entertained by tales of journeys, conflicts, love, despair, and hope.    We each have our own stories. Your business has a narrative, too. What's your company's creation story? How did it grow? What's happening now, and where will the business be […]

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May 17, 2024
Small Ways Community Association Managers Can Help Facilitate Fun

"Fun" is an element of work/life balance that tends to get lost in the big picture, especially for community association managers (CAMs). As the rule enforcers, the meeting runners, and the digital machinery that powers the dreaded monthly assessment charges, it's difficult to shed the image of being stoic or hard-hearted.    Homeowners associations (HOAs) […]

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