
As experienced business owners ourselves, we know the many challenges that come with entrepreneurship first-hand. Helping business owners hire the right virtual employee is our top priority, but we also provide educational resources for business owners and professionals looking to grow their bottom lines. We also help our clients "right staff" for their needs. Take a few minutes to explore our resources to learn more or purchase one of our many best selling books to equip yourself with powerful training materials & knowledge.

Recent Articles

June 1, 2018
5 Things You Need To Know When Working With A Virtual Employee

If you are trying to scale and grow your business and you are doing it alone, you are going to hit a wide, massive plateau eventually. From administration to marketing tasks – these time-consuming activities will hold you back from focusing on what you are supposed to do, which is what you enjoy. Once you […]

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May 13, 2018
Virtual Employee Can Make You Healthier

Have you ever stopped and think the benefit of having a virtual employee to your health? Entrepreneurial stress is real.Responding to hundreds of emails a day is a good sign that business is growing but it will eventually take its toll on your health. The founder of Heddings Property Group in New York City, Douglas Heddings gets […]

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May 1, 2018
Remote Team Building Activities

Another challenging concept in managing a team remotely is incorporating your remote staff into your organization. Since you can’t take them to lunch or do the types of bonding activities you might do with your local folks; we need to look at other remote team-building activities. We have talked about building an atmosphere of trust […]

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April 29, 2018
A Virtual Employee Allows You to Scale

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could just go to the copier and make another one of you so you could get twice as much done?   Well, the idea is not as far-fetched as you might think. Using today’s technology, it is possible to multiply yourself with a virtual personal employee and it is only […]

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March 10, 2018
Labor Costs Are Increasing

In the news you find reports that labor costs are increasing. Some states like New York and California are raising the minimum wage to $15.00/hour in the next 1-2 years. What is this going to mean for business owners? It means that business owners are finding other ways to reduce their labor costs. Recently in […]

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February 13, 2018
Get the Most from Your Day

What is the first thing you do when you arrive at your desk? Most of us will answer by checking email or listening to voice mail.  This is the worst way to start your day! Both checking email and voicemail set a tone, they take over our thoughts and put us in a reactive mindset, […]

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January 15, 2018
Need More Time? Productivity Hacks

Ever wish you were more productive… Having trouble completing the to-do list? We all know that there are times when we really could use a spare pair of hands. At, we know your time is one thing that is super precious.  We found 3 tasks that suck the productivity out of your day. Use these […]

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December 31, 2017
Communication Tools

Communication tools are important in today’s dispersed workforce. Standardizing on a communication tool that works for your company helps to establish a smooth workflow in your business. Make sure that the tool you select includes the important features needed to fit your business needs and your personal style. These internal communication tools will be used […]

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December 12, 2017
Simple Things Help Tremendously

Last week I had the pleasure of speaking at a regional NARPM conference about Solving You Biggest Operational Issue in 30 Days. It was a great event and I loved connecting and providing great information to my fellow NARPM members. As a Broker of my own Property Management business, I know firsthand the troubles and […]

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November 15, 2017
How US Federal Labor Laws Affect Employers

Federal labor laws have been evolving at a rapid pace. In an effort to measure and balance the benefits versus legal claims from workers, the U.S. government, federal, and local authorities are reviewing and looking to proactively pass new labor laws to protect the rights of workers. Notably, in the effect of such regulations, it […]

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