
As experienced business owners ourselves, we know the many challenges that come with entrepreneurship first-hand. Helping business owners hire the right virtual employee is our top priority, but we also provide educational resources for business owners and professionals looking to grow their bottom lines. We also help our clients "right staff" for their needs. Take a few minutes to explore our resources to learn more or purchase one of our many best selling books to equip yourself with powerful training materials & knowledge.

Recent Articles

March 23, 2017
7 Reasons to Hire a Virtual Employee

Was this your day? You wake up and you are excited to begin a new day thinking of all the productive things you are going to accomplish and then you get to the office… Your desk is a mess, you have 14 unanswered voicemails, and 250 emails, the phone starts ringing, and you now have […]

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February 18, 2017
Working With a Virtual Employee

We provide training & staffing from the Philippines – half way around the globe. They have the option to drive long distances to work in a US based companies call center sitting all night in their cubicle farm. Subject to the demand of the number of calls coming in, the work often times is not steady, […]

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January 2, 2017
A Message to 2017 from 2016

It is now a new year. It is hard to believe that 2016 is complete and we now march on to 2017. This time of year we tend to reflect on our lives and what we want to change, improvements we want to make, and we start out with great intentions. Yet somewhere around February, […]

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December 4, 2016
Top 9 Tips for Managing Remote Staff

We all know that managing remote staff can be challenging because we can’t see them every day. However, just because you can’t see them, doesn’t mean that they aren’t producing great work. We thought you may enjoy these managerial tips from some of the best: Enjoy! 1. Know the Different Between Skill and WillForbesThere are […]

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November 15, 2016
Where is My Virtual Employee Located?

Is location important when hiring a Virtual Employee? History has shown that when selecting to use a global workforce the virtual employee needs to have excellent verbal and written English skills and place a significant importance on higher education. The Philippines provides all of this which is why we source our staff and our client’s staff […]

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October 14, 2016
How to Get the Job – NOT

In this Friday Funny. We wanted to share with you several of our favorite interview videos. This is one way to make sure your friend gets the job.   What you say versus what the interviewer hears   This interview mash-up of ALL the interviews that have gone awry.   Hope you enjoyed this segment […]

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October 9, 2016
5 Characteristics of a Great Virtual Employee

There are 5 characteristics of a great virtual employee. We all know that outsourcing is here to stay and finding the help you need is a challenge for a lot of busy business owners. Here at, we do not look for average virtual employees, we look for great virtual employees. If you have plans […]

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September 25, 2016
Top 6 Questions to Ask when Interviewing a Virtual Employee

When you are Interviewing a Virtual Employee, the preliminary interview is the most important part. The interview allows you to assess whether or not that Virtual Employee is the right fit for you and your business. The right questions will help save you time and effort by helping you easily evaluate each candidate quickly and […]

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August 23, 2016
Top 5 Tips On Training Your Virtual Employee

Here are our top 5 tips on training your virtual employee quickly and painlessly. As you are aware, training is the key to successfully managing your business and yet, this is where most business owners fail their virtual employees and even their internal staff. Often they are too busy running the business to strategically think […]

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August 8, 2016
5 Tips to Control Your Calendar & Manage Your Time

Too many meetings and not enough time? If you are like the way I used to be – you need more than 5 tips to control your calendar and manage your time, but these are the top 5 that have helped me and many other business owners. In today’s supercharged, hypercompetitive environment keeping your head […]

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