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Recent Articles

May 16, 2024
Want a Happier Office? Here's How to Have Some Fun

Wasn't that fun?    Well, that's subjective, right? Some people enjoy a brutal roller coaster ride or two hours of a jump-scare horror flick, while such experiences are torture for others. The extrovert loves a party. The introvert can't wait for a pillow and a good book.    How we laugh, play, and find fun […]

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May 14, 2024
Is Your Business Puzzle Missing a Key Piece?

My husband and I love puzzles. We always have one on a table, and we stop to work a little at a time, making slow progress until the picture is complete.    It's fun, but it's symbolic, too. That's our life in business. We put puzzles together, and there's such joy in each new link […]

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May 10, 2024
What Does It Take to Build a Respectful and Powerful Brand?

How can we help your business thrive? That's HireSmart's objective.    Co-CEOs Anne and Mark Lackey offer unique staffing solutions for U.S. companies, but the owners of multiple successful businesses also share entrepreneurial tips so others can succeed, grow, and improve the lives of many people.    Anne recently offered young professionals advice on "building […]

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May 7, 2024
Bloom Where You Work: the Importance of Fun in the Office

  Every child deserves fun. We want kids to laugh and play because a growing mind without delight is like a garden without flowers and bright colors. “Fun” is where kids bloom.    I think of my grandchildren and their eyes of wonder. I hope they never lose the thrill of new things or the […]

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May 3, 2024
The Office Work Pace: Who's Lagging, Who's Leading?

Think of a 180-degree dial, like a speedometer. On one extreme is a person performing a repetitive, mindless task while on autopilot, completely disengaged day after day. They desperately need a new challenge.    On the other extreme, a person can hardly sleep because their mind won't shut off. They're engaged in complex, strategic thought […]

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May 2, 2024
Is Your Workplace Missing the Fun Factor?

Play teaches young children cause and effect. Hey, if I squeeze this rubber duck, it squeaks. Isn't that funny? If I stack these blocks high, they'll probably fall. But if I place them carefully, they might not.    A child's curiosity fuels their mental growth through imaginative play.    But people often seem stripped of […]

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April 30, 2024
It's Time to Start Sweating the Small Stuff

Spring is rolling in slowly but surely, and the season brings a few tasks on every agenda. Whether you're clearing out closet space, decluttering cabinets and drawers, or shuffling furniture about, spring cleaning time is here.    For a management company, spring cleaning means tossing the old saying of "not sweating the small stuff" out […]

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April 23, 2024
When It Comes To Time Management, Embrace Being 'Chunky'

We think of "chunky" as it relates to weight, which isn't a nice thing to call someone. But let me give you a new, positive connotation for the word. Recognize that you're healthiest when you're "chunky" in time management.    We all need starts and finishes, even if we are on one long road that […]

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April 18, 2024
How to Clean Up the Sour Notes and Truly Shine

Who runs this show?    I enter every business with that question in mind. Sometimes, I want to shake that person's hand and congratulate them on their remarkable organizational skills.    But sometimes, I'm struck by all the bad notes, like an orchestra with failing instruments or untrained members. The place is off-key, disjointed. I […]

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April 16, 2024
Want to Lead Your Team Away From the ‘Blame Game?

It’s April, and it’s time for some spring cleaning. So, here’s a bit of useless debris to wipe out of your office — the “blame game.”     Nothing shuts down a talk like defensiveness — the conversation killer and the assassin of achievement. So many roadblocks in life and business come from people threatened by […]

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