
As experienced business owners ourselves, we know the many challenges that come with entrepreneurship first-hand. Helping business owners hire the right virtual employee is our top priority, but we also provide educational resources for business owners and professionals looking to grow their bottom lines. We also help our clients "right staff" for their needs. Take a few minutes to explore our resources to learn more or purchase one of our many best selling books to equip yourself with powerful training materials & knowledge.

Recent Articles

April 11, 2024
How Prepared Are You for a Staffing Storm?

We live in Plan A. We survive in Plan B.    If the fire happens, the massive storm, or any form of the big "Oh No!" arrives, what's your plan?    Not every catastrophe involves 911. A "Mayday!" moment can be staffing turmoil. What, Tom quit? Who'll do his job?    When Tom Quits, Consider […]

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April 9, 2024
How Effective is Your Team? Are Their Skills in the Right Place?

  I'm not a particularly fast typist, and this lack of speed proved a blessing in my life.    In one of my first jobs, I was chosen for a front-desk position instead of the clerical spot I wanted because I couldn't meet the required word count per minute.    This role assignment helped set […]

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April 4, 2024
5 Tips for Building Greater Connections with Your Staff

I always have fresh flowers. Yes, I'm bragging about my husband, who set up regular deliveries for me. I welcome the weekly arrival of fresh arrangements. He knows I love flowers, and he's that kind of guy. Yes, I'm lucky!    When Planning Clicks, You Know It's Right      I'm thinking of April, the blooming […]

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April 2, 2024
Digital Declutter: Is It Time for a Spring Clean in Your Business?

My husband keeps up with the tech of the day, but he still loves his papers and color-coded filing system, which is always neat and orderly.    But in an increasingly paperless business world, our files are accessed through a search bar, not a file cabinet, and keeping track of everything takes time and effort.  […]

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March 28, 2024
Want to Make Your Own Good Luck?

"You just got lucky!"    Have you ever admired the person saying that? It's not a great look, is it? That's a jealous phrase. It's ugly and unimaginative.    I vowed long ago not to be a person who says such things. That's a waste of time. Instead, I say, "Good for you!" And I […]

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March 26, 2024
Would Your Team Speak Up or Just Nod Along?

A business filled with “yes men” or “yes women” who are scared to upset the boss will stagnate and die.    That’s why I never want fear to be the prime motivator in my company. Do you? If one of my employees makes a mistake, I simply want a conversation, not a scolding. What happened? […]

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March 22, 2024
Choose Logic Over Luck: Why Smart Hiring Makes the Difference

The "get-rich-quick" mentality is the source of so many crazy stories, right? It's the realm of bankruptcies, heartbreak, and so much drama.    The "quick" part is what does people in. Everyone wants to "get rich," but many people lack patience and take terrible risks in hopes of easy riches, then pay a steep price.  […]

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March 21, 2024
Low Turnover Rate: Is It Luck or Something More?

Whether by email, phone call, text, or face-to-face, the "two-week notice" can come like a gut punch when it's one of your best employees.    We dread those moments, but they're inevitable in the business world. People pursue other interests. Goals change. Family situations require a move. It happens.    But here's what doesn't need […]

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March 19, 2024
Are You Ready for Life's Curveballs? Discover How to Prepare Your Business

I keep a positive attitude about life, and there's so much that brings me joy: my connections with others, my sweet dog "Adrian," the first bite of delicious homemade chocolate ice cream — we lay the chocolate on super heavy! I'm Team Chocolate. Boo, vanilla!    But I'm also a devoted realist when it comes […]

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March 12, 2024
Want to Shower Your Future Self With Gifts?

I realized early on, after some hardship, that the best gifts in life are the ones I give to myself. My present self is always focused on being a thoughtful gift-giver to my future self.    I apply this to all things in life, big and small. If something needs to be ironed, I give […]

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