Two for One is a Bargain

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Maybe you’re familiar with virtual employees, and maybe you’re not. Whatever your situation, here’s something to consider.

A virtual employee is the right fit for any job that requires a computer with reliable internet and a phone.

I’ve used virtual attorneys, accountants, financial advisors, technical assistants, customer service representatives, and graphic designers, I’ve even had remote consultations with doctors.

I’ll bet you’ve done the same.

When you have a job that needs doing, there are two things that really matter – price and quality.

Unless you like to regularly get coffee with your bookkeeper, do you really care whether they live in the next town over, or across a continent or two?

And that bookkeeper that lives in the next town over, let’s look at her average hourly pay in the US. According to Indeed, for 2022 it’s $21/hour.

Please keep that number in mind while I digress with the following example.

You’re shopping for shoes, and the salesperson puts two pairs down in front of you. They look identical, you try them on, and they feel identical.

The materials are the same, the craftsmanship is the same, the return policy, the box they come in, everything is the same except for one quite important detail – the price.

One of these pairs of shoes costs $100, and the other pair costs $50.

Your first instinct tells you something must not be quite right; something is too good to be true. That’s what I’d be thinking right along with you.

You try them on anyway, each pair, first the expensive ones and then the cheaper ones.

All your five senses tell your brain that they are actually the same even though one costs half as much as the other. But your brain resists the truth because we know that price usually indicates quality.

Except sometimes it doesn’t.

Let’s return to our $21/hour bookkeeper. At HireSmart Virtual Employees, we will find you a bookkeeper for $10, maybe $12/hour. That’s half the cost.

Will that same bookkeeper do data entry for you? Yes. Will she fill in on customer service when necessary? Absolutely. Will she set up meetings with clients for you? Of course.

Will you pay benefits on top of wages? No. Will you pay social security taxes or disability benefits? No. Any payroll taxes? No.

I think you see what I’m getting at. Let your competitors be the ones who pay double for the same quality of service.

If you want to gain the competitive advantage of lower labor costs and smile all the way to your bottom line, click here for a free consultation.