You have thought about hiring a Virtual Employee, but as a business owner, you have at least 3 top concerns. I know! I had the same concerns and questions myself when I got started in this journey over 8 years ago.

Let’s see how many resonate with you and hopefully, I will make you feel more comfortable about the resolution.

#1 – I don’t know if I have enough work to keep a virtual employee busy 40 hours a week.

This was a concern that I had at first too. I finally had to do the math. At $9.00/ hour I realized that even if I didn’t have them busy for the full 40 hours – I was still saving money and I was getting things done that neither me nor my employees really wanted to do. The magic happened when I found out that they could do a lot of work quickly due to limited distractions and they had time to do things that I never had time to do in the first place, but was important to build my brand and my business.

#2 – I didn’t know where to find or how to qualify virtual employees in another company.

While there were many places that I could find individual VEs, I knew I didn’t want to hire a global employee. The IRS doesn’t care where you hire, but if you pay them and direct them – they are considered employees NOT independent contractors.

I knew I needed a staffing company and while there were many out there, most of them just didn’t feel “right”. They didn’t have the mindset I was looking for or their pricing was too high and the VEs salaries were too low. (It is imperative that you pay your VE competitively or they will leave and find another position. We pay our VEs almost double what other staffing agencies pay because we want them to be happy with our clients and perform well.)

Finally, after interviewing dozens of companies, we found a great partnership with our staffing provider. We worked out a lot of the kinks and about a year ago, we brought on our first clients.

You guys have the easy solution – We provide you with 3 top-quality virtual employees vetted not only by the staffing company, but by us. The 3 candidates we provide are VAs we would hire to work for us. Ask anyone who knows me – I am picky! We interview dozens of candidates to get it down to the top 3. This saves you a ton of time and effort.

#3 – I didn’t know how to best pay the staffing company.

This is another problem that we fixed. We have vetted about a dozen sources so that our clients can pay the staffing company easily. We explain the process in advance so that they can best prepare for the start up.

So the good news is that we do all the heavy lifting and provide you with the solutions that have worked for us and for dozens of clients.

Are you ready to get back to doing the work that you enjoy doing while still getting all of the other required tasks done? Book your free consultation with us today for an evaluation.

Ever wish you could clone yourself to get all those things done?

Successful people do not do everything by themselves. They delegate some of the tasks to skilled individuals. By allowing someone else to help them, they accomplish much more than they could otherwise.

If you are starting your business, hiring an additional employee can be very costly. If you have been in the industry for quite a while, you are probably finding that the hours in the day simply are not enough to complete all of your To-Do’s. Things like calling clients, setting appointments, filling out forms, researching the competition, marketing your business, networking, vendor management, accounting, and the list go on and on.

We have laid out 5 categories for you to best determine if now is the time to hire a Virtual Employee. If you feel that you fall into one of these categories, you might want to consider hiring the services of to provide you with a solution for cost-effectively managing your time and productivity.

1. Hiring a full-time employee to help you is not affordable.
Hiring an additional employee can be very costly – you have to take care of the health benefits, vacation days, sick days, payroll taxes, computer equipment, etc. Working with a virtual employee can save you a lot of money as compared to working with a full-time employee. A virtual employee has his/her own equipment so you do not need to invest in a computer, headset, and other stuff. Another thing is that you are not responsible for their health care plans, and their payroll taxes – that alone is a very big help to reduce the costs of hiring an additional employee. Here is a savings breakdown for one of our clients who saved over $26,000 per year for each Virtual Employee they hired.

2. You have too many administrative tasks
Doing administrative work definitely eats a lot of your time. Instead of spending hours filling out forms, preparing presentations, handling emails, paying bills, etc., you can use a virtual employee to handle all of these things so you can focus on income-generating activities or on the tasks you prefer doing. Your virtual employee can do anything you need that can be done with a computer and/or a phone. You can even have your virtual employee set up appointments for you to better leverage your time!

3. You are out of the office and need someone to handle the back-office tasks of the business.
Meeting with your client means a busy day. Yet when you are out of the office, the work can still pile up quickly while you are gone. You need someone to manage the emails and phone calls while you are gone. The technology has advanced to a point that having your virtual employee work seamlessly with you is a huge advantage to any business owner.

4. You are overwhelmed
One of our business colleagues told us about a time when he was working 10 hours a day making $175,000 in revenue. Bills were piling up, customer calls and sales were not being addressed – he was just so overcome with all the things that needed to get done – he just ignored them. The power was shut off because he didn’t pay the electric bill. This was the final straw. He finally realized that it was either to get a virtual employee or go back to a corporate job. Needless to say, the latter was not an option. Soon after he hired the employee, he was able to grow his business to over $1,000,000 in revenue just in the first year. It takes a leap of faith to get started, but all our clients are so glad that they do and many hire a second virtual employee within weeks of their first hire.

5. You want someone to manage your projects
Virtual employees can multitask very well. If you need someone to keep the projects moving – checking in with outside vendors, keeping everything on time, and budgeting, your virtual employee is great for that. This includes social media projects like writing content, producing marketing material, or keeping your team informed of deadlines. All you need to do is lay out all the details of how you want that project to turn out and just review it as soon as it is turned over to you. If there are revisions, of course, you can ask your virtual employee to take care of it for you.

Our clients have proven over and over again that they are using their time and talent better than ever before and saving money by using virtual employees. We have helped many business owners just like you. Have questions? Contact us for a quick conversation to see if this is right for you.

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