Author: Anne Lackey

  • Finding the Right Growth For Your Business

    May 30, 2019
    Starting your own business is definitely a huge decision to make, but finding the right business path is even tougher…
  • What is Customer Service?

    May 13, 2019
    What is customer service? The meaning of customer service to an organization can make or break the business.  Before we…
  • Respectful Ways To Discipline Employees

    May 8, 2019
    It’s quite unfortunate to see how great-performing employees can potentially decrease their level of work rate and overall productivity overtime…
  • FAQs on Fail Fast Podcast

    April 30, 2019
    Listen to the podcast #37 of Fail Fast Podcast by Quin Amorim as Mark and I were invited to share…
  • HR Best Practices

    April 24, 2019
    When talking about HR best practices, you must consider, what are the best practices in Human Resources (HR) and why…
  • How to Delegate Tasks

    March 20, 2019
    If it’s your first time hiring a virtual employee, you might be asking what tasks can you assign and furthermore,…
  • Customer Service Job Description

    March 15, 2019
    When hiring help for a customer service job, you’d have to have a clear outline of your customer service job…
  • Strategizing With A Virtual Employee

    February 28, 2019
    There are different approaches when creating strategies that can help you and your virtual employee become more productive and efficient…
  • Improve Your Employee Retention in 5 Minutes

    February 25, 2019
    Why should we concern ourselves with employee retention? The cost for re-hiring is very high. It is much more cost-effective…
  • 3 Most Effective Ways to Free Your Time

    January 11, 2019
    Time is very valuable. It is our least plentiful resource, and if you are most entrepreneurs, you are often trying…