How Do You Adjust to Life’s Curveballs?

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My little schnauzer, Adrian, has been my shadow for a decade, following at my feet wherever I go, snuggling close whenever I sit on the couch, and eagerly “guarding” me whenever a new face appears at the door.

But the poor little guy lives in shadows now after a medical condition robbed him of his eyesight within a few days. So I walk through the house with a jingling ankle bracelet so Adrian can always know where “mom” is.

He’ll be with us for as long as he finds pleasure in the world. He devours his meals, sniffs about the yard for hidden treasures, and still loves cuddling. But he bumps into trees, chairs, and walls. He’s easily confused and can’t “patrol” the house like he once did, keeping me safe from harm.

Now, my husband and I have to do all the safekeeping these days, which means completely new routines and processes. Here’s what Adrian will eat and when. Here are new provisions for his care when we’re away from home. Here are old territories now off limits. I’ve had to reimagine the nose-to-the-ground perspective. What is he “seeing” in his brain now that he can’t see? How do I make that life as rich as possible?

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We all experience sudden shifts in our routines and processes due to life’s curveballs. I certainly didn’t imagine my little companion suddenly unable to see birds, squirrels, or my smiling face.

But we adjust. We create new plans of action. My attachment to Adrian is deeply personal. The love of a good dog is rich with reward. I hope you’ve felt this, too. And do you also take personal lessons and apply them to your business thinking? I always striving to make such connections. For instance, how do we manage our business when something unforeseen changes our plans?

At HireSmart Virtual Employees, we understand these curveballs very well. As a business owner, you’re managing change as much as people. Situations shift. Change is the only constant, right?

So, how can you align your processes with the inevitability of change? Here are five tips:

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• Embrace Flexibility: Just as I had to rethink Adrian’s routines, business processes must be designed flexibly. Build in contingencies and empower your team to adapt when needed. Rigidity is the enemy of resilience. The more your processes can bend without breaking, the better equipped you’ll be to handle the unexpected.

• Regularly Reassess: Are your processes still serving their purpose? Are they aligned with current goals? Have new technologies or market conditions made them obsolete? By regularly taking stock, you can make incremental adjustments before a major overhaul is needed. You can absorb the shock of significant change much better with front-end preparation.

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• Communicate Clearly: My husband and I had to evaluate and clearly communicate our new routines and responsibilities for Adrian’s care. You see, Mark took the early AM role to help me, and I took over everything else. We had to shift. The same is true when business processes change. Make sure your team knows what’s changing, why it’s changing, and what their new responsibilities are. Clear communication is essential for smooth transitions.

• Seek Outside Perspective: Sometimes, when you’re in the thick of change, it’s hard to see the big picture. That’s where an outside perspective can be so valuable. I’ve certainly sought more informed perspectives on ways to make Adrian’s life as fulfilling as possible. At HireSmart, we are process professionals, and we work with hundreds of business leaders, helping them fine-tune their workflow in good times and bad. We find fulfillment in that task and love to serve in that way.

• Find the Opportunity: Adrian’s disability truly saddens us, but it’s also a reminder to love and live fully, offering our best to all in our orbit. We know that disruptions also provide opportunities. When you get hit with something unwanted and unforeseen, don’t forget to seek opportunities for positive action that will undoubtedly arise if you look. Perhaps it’s a chance to finally automate that manual task or to upgrade your team. Look for the silver lining and new ways to grow.

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Whether you’re facing a major disruption or just looking to optimize your processes incrementally, we’re here to help. We are the best in the business at providing our clients with dedicated, kind, and capable virtual employees who help business leaders make the most of their processes. We have a 98.+ percent successful placement rate, which is considerably better — and much more cost-efficient — than an off-the-street hiring success rate.

As your circumstances change, we want you to thrive, not just survive. Click here to schedule a time to speak with us at your convenience.

Now, it’s time to shut down this computer. Adrian needs some love and attention. He is rich in that way and will always be. I hope he can truly “see” this.