Small Ways Community Association Managers Can Help Facilitate Fun

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“Fun” is an element of work/life balance that tends to get lost in the big picture, especially for community association managers (CAMs). As the rule enforcers, the meeting runners, and the digital machinery that powers the dreaded monthly assessment charges, it’s difficult to shed the image of being stoic or hard-hearted. 


Homeowners associations (HOAs) thrive when the atmosphere is welcoming, warm, and positive. As a CAM, you need to help your board members find new ways to encourage that environment. HOA events are a simple yet effective way to help generate a sense of connection in a community. 


Help Them Get the Ball Rolling 


Managers should be activists for all of their communities. This isn’t just in terms of signing contracts or negotiating bids. Many board directors struggle to build camaraderie in their neighborhoods. As volunteers, they often do not have the time (or know-how) to sort out the “whats” or “wheres” of something like an HOA event. Suggesting a few options to your board members is a great starting point to help them drum up neighborhood merriment. 


How Prepared Are You for a Staffing Storm? 


  •  Seasonal Activities: With summer fast approaching, activities like barbecues and pool parties are great opportunities to get homeowners connected and engaged. When things cool down, community fitness groups, like yoga or biking, are also good ways to introduce some fun to the community.


  •  Short and Sweet Meet-Ups: Plenty of homeowners always feel short on time. Events that only last a few hours and have a dedicated end time are enticing and straightforward. Meals are an excellent opportunity for quick gatherings that won’t take up much time — bring in food trucks, organize a monthly potluck, or set up dinner and a show with an outdoor movie screening.


Be an HOA Event Promoter 


The other half of this task is getting the word out. Unlike the monthly or annual meetings you assist with, there are no time requirements for when or how to send a party invitation. But that freedom doesn’t mean you should treat this as a one-and-done communication like a birthday party mailer. Whatever communication channels your community has should be utilized at least once a piece to garner as much attention as possible without being overwhelming. 


  •  Bulletin boards: This method will be the simplest for nearly every HOA. Creating attractive flyers to post throughout the community in prominent places, like mailrooms or lounge areas, is an efficient way to ensure homeowners know what’s coming.


Hiring Staff For Your Condo, HOA or Co-Op? Consider Community Association Virtual Assistants  


  •  Mailed/door tag flyers: Individual physical copies of the invite should also be distributed in some way. Whether sending a letter or flyer in the mail or taping a copy directly to a front door or mailbox, this is the next-best way to guarantee readership.


  •  Email/Text: Digital copies sent to each homeowner will also go a long way. Including some way for them to easily add the event to their calendar is a nice touch, if possible.


  •  Website/portal page: If your website and/or homeowner portal allow it, add a page or pop-up announcing the event! Also, include it on any community event calendar, and consider building a registration form to give your boards an idea of who is attending which HOA events.


The Web is the Great Equalizer 


Remember, every homeowner needs to receive the invitation in some way. The last thing a community needs is for the board to face accusations of exclusion because someone didn’t see the Evite to Taco Tuesday. Posting to a bulletin board is the best way to comply with that, but individual physical copies are the best choice for communities without such places. 


Admittedly, there is a reason the fun parts of CAM management get put to the side. There are far too many other tasks to focus on that move the needle for your communities. Financially, HOA events just aren’t part of that drive. So, if you want to help encourage this in your communities but are worried the time in the day doesn’t exist, consider hiring a Virtual Employee (VE). 


Anne Lackey’s Company Offers a Unique Virtual Solution for Staffing Issues 


A trained virtual employee from HireSmart can complete every task here. The only thing they can’t do is attend the event for you if asked, but you get the best of both worlds — little to no legwork organizing the HOA event, plus you get paid through your Schedule A to oversee Foodtruck Friday. Everyone wins! 


Click here to schedule your Virtual Employee consultation today. 




Anne + The HireSmart Team 

Co-Founder – HireSmart Companies 

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