Want to Ensure New Hires Warm Up Quickly?

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That first day on the job is like jumping into cold water, a shock of sorts. 


Everyone else seems acclimated to the place’s temperature, but you’re hit by a sudden jolt — the difference between where you stood and where you now swim. 


On that first day, you’re introduced to unfamiliar people and procedures, while everyone around you seems to know what they’re doing. 


How long will it take you to get comfortable in this water? We’ve all been there, right? 


As the summer winds down and we get “back to business” in the busy fall season, many companies ramp up their hiring, with new employees plunging into cold waters, looking for warmth. 


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As a business leader, how do you make the onboarding process as painless as possible for your new employees? How do you show them warmth and get them acclimated to your business temperature? They need the know-how and confidence to be productive, so how do you help them swim to that spot? 


How you onboard these new hires will significantly impact their success and longevity with your company. 


Think about your current onboarding process. Is it a well-oiled machine that sets new employees up for success from day one? Or is it more of a haphazard, sink-or-swim approach that leaves new hires feeling overwhelmed and unsupported? 

If you’re unsure or know your onboarding process could be improved, why not review and upgrade it? 


Here are some tips to get you started: 


  •  Start Before Day One: Onboarding shouldn’t begin on an employee’s first day — it should start as soon as they accept your offer. Send them a welcome packet about your company culture, their team, and what to expect in their first week. You could even send a small welcome gift to excite them about joining your company.


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  •  Create a Detailed Plan: Don’t wing it regarding onboarding. Create a detailed plan that outlines a new hire’s first day, week, and month. Include training sessions, meet-and-greets with key team members, and milestones they should aim to hit. A structured plan helps new hires feel more confident and enables them to hit the ground running.


  •  Assign a Mentor: Starting a new job can be overwhelming, especially in a remote or hybrid environment. Assigning each new hire a mentor, or “buddy,” can provide them with a go-to person for questions, guidance, and support. It also helps them build social connections within the company, which is critical for engagement and retention.


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  • Make it Interactive: No one wants to sit through hours of boring lectures or read endless policy documents. Make your onboarding interactive and engaging by incorporating activities, role-playing, and opportunities for new hires to apply their learning. The more hands-on and relevant the training is, the more likely it is to stick.


  •  Emphasize Your Culture: Your company culture sets you apart and keeps employees engaged for the long haul. Make sure your onboarding heavily emphasizes your mission, core values, and what makes your company unique. Use storytelling, examples, and testimonials from current employees to bring your culture to life.


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  • Check in Regularly: Onboarding doesn’t end after the first week or even the first month. Make sure you’re checking in with new hires regularly to see how they’re adjusting, answer questions, and provide feedback.


  • Seek Feedback: Your onboarding process should be a living, breathing thing that you continually update and improve. Seek feedback from new hires on what worked well and what could be better, and use that input to make changes.


At HireSmart Virtual Employees, we’ve seen firsthand the difference a great onboarding process can make. That’s why we provide our VEs with a comprehensive onboarding and training program before they ever start working with a client. All of our VEs spend one week going through our certification program before they officially onboard with a client. They learn about the industry they’re entering: the terminology, the expectations, and the standard procedures. 


We want to ensure they have the skills, knowledge, and confidence to hit the ground running and make a real impact from day one. 


The results speak for themselves. Our clients consistently rave about how well-prepared and effective our VEs are and how smoothly they integrate with their teams. 


Philessia, a customer care supervisor for a large community association management agency, had this to say: 


“We work with several companies that provide virtual assistants and HireSmart hands down is the best,” she said. ”And I really would like to credit my virtual employees’ success to HireSmart going in and giving that one week of HOA training on the front side, prepping and preparing them for what this world looks like on our side because for a lot of folks, HOA is very new. So that one-week training HireSmart gives — and then the fact that you make sure they pass that training before you release them — really sets them up for success on our side.” 


Imagine having every new hire experience that level of success and integration. It’s possible, and it starts with a robust, thoughtful onboarding process. 


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So, as you consider new hires, take some time to evaluate and elevate your onboarding. Invest in setting your new hires up for success, and watch your retention, engagement, and productivity soar. 


Click here to schedule a consultation and learn more about how a HireSmart VE can help. 


As your new team members jump into the cold water, make sure they acclimate quickly and swim in the right direction.