Is Your Team’s Inner Compass Guiding Smart Decisions?

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Do you ever want to scream, “What were you thinking?” to someone on your staff?

Well, first, resist the urge to blast that out. It does far more harm than good. But on the flip side, embrace the question: “What are they thinking?” What sort of mental processes do they use daily to deal with problems? And are you doing everything you can to equip them with the inner tools to navigate their challenges successfully?

One primary teaching tactic I use with employees is to recognize that most problems are actually great opportunities buried beneath momentary tension. For instance, something goes wrong, and a client or customer is angry. Step one is to recognize that you have that person’s emotional attention. They don’t like how they’re feeling, but at least they feel something. Indifference is more difficult to transform than anger.

You now have an opportunity to turn that negative emotion into something positive and build your brand loyalty.

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Imagine Lisa, a customer support representative, who encountered a customer frustrated with her company’s new feature update and was threatening to cancel their subscription. Previously, this might have escalated to a refund request or lost customer.

However, her bosses trained Lisa on the “HEAR” approach: Help, Empathize, Analyze, and Resolve. She helped the customer by actively listening to their concerns, empathizing with their frustration, analyzing the root of the problem, and resolving it by offering a one-on-one tutorial on the new feature. Not only was the customer retained, but they also became advocates for the product, praising the personalized support on social media.

Each employee in your organization has many opportunities to turn a problem into a positive. Our days are filled with a choice: Is this problem just a headache, or is it an opportunity to shine? We just need to see it in this light, approaching problems with confidence and enthusiasm for making a difference for others. The only way to do that is to feel mentally equipped for the challenge.

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So how do you give each employee the necessary instruments in their mental tool belt? It’s about establishing processes of thought.

Here are some tips:

  • Let Core Values Shape All Actions: Your company’s core values should lead every decision. Make sure these values are clear, communicated often, and lived by leadership. When employees internalize these values, they become a natural filter for decision-making.
  • Make Desired Outcomes Clear: Each employee must understand what constitutes a favorable outcome for the company. Don’t let employees try to solve problems without understanding how their actions affect the company. Unclear goals leave employees guessing, and that’s a sure recipe for problems. They must understand, “We need X to happen, but you have the autonomy to use these five approaches to achieve that result.”

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  • Use Mistakes as Confidence Builders: Recognize that employees who have erred may be overly down on themselves. Teach them that a mistake is a type of grief process. You feel a certain way and then overcome it by learning and taking proactive action to avoid the same mistake again. Help them understand that these corrective measures are part of the process of success. When you see that they’ve avoided the same errors, praise them for getting a handle on the earlier problem.
  • Implement the ‘Worst-Case Scenario’ Exercise: Help employees overcome the fear of failure by imagining and planning for worst-case scenarios. This can reduce anxiety and paralysis in decision-making, as employees realize they can handle even the worst outcomes. I always do this, and I feel prepared for almost anything.
  1. Embrace Continuous Learning: The moment anyone says, “I’ve learned all I need to know,” is the day they no longer need to be in your organization. Each of us can improve, so we must be humble enough to accept feedback that sharpens us. Make sure employees understand that no one is perfect, and that all of your feedback is aimed at strengthening the individual and the company.

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At HireSmart Virtual Employees, we understand the importance of aligned decision-making across your entire team — including remote workers. Our virtual employees are trained not just in skills but also in understanding and aligning with your company’s values and decision-making processes.

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“I appreciate Rhona and Angelu tremendously,” said one client about their VEs. “They are the backbone of our small business. I appreciate how they are always both willing and able to help. They both work hard, and their knowledge and expertise are invaluable.”

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