Thinking of Doing it All Yourself?

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Some people confuse independence with extreme micromanagement. Don’t be that guy or gal! Why? Let me appropriately hashtag this for you: #FastestPathtoBurnout! 


Keeping a tight grip on everything at all times will wear you down. I’ve hit that wall multiple times. I’ve watched CEO friends do the same. At some point, you must learn that independence is about knowing where and when to assert your energy most effectively. This revelation took a while for me — a self-proclaimed do-it-all for many years. 


However, I discovered I’d never have complete control over every aspect of my operations unless I reduced my business to a company of just Anne, which only interfered with proper growth and independence. 


So, I delegate. I find the best employees and let them shine, but they also need the ability to find help where needed. 


Want to Bring the Best People into Your Business? 


That’s where strategic outsourcing comes in. By carefully evaluating which tasks we can shift to virtual partners, we can free up our in-house talent to focus on the high-level, business-critical work that really moves the needle. 


But how do you know when to outsource or keep things in-house? 


Here are a few tips to help you make the call: 


  • Assess Your Team’s Strengths: Examine your in-house team’s skills and expertise. Where do they excel? What unique value do they bring to your business? These are the areas where you’ll want to keep tasks in-house so your team can perform.


Hiring is Hard; Here’s How We Help 


  • Identify Time-Consuming, Repetitive Tasks: On the flip side, what tasks are eating up your team’s time without leveraging their unique talents? A virtual employee can handle data entry, appointment scheduling, or customer service inquiries just as effectively as in-house staff, freeing your team for more strategic work.


  • Consider the Cost Benefits: Outsourcing isn’t just about freeing up time. It’s also about optimizing your resources. Look at what you spend on in-house salaries, benefits, and overhead costs. You can reinvest savings into growing your business by reducing or eliminating these expenses. Remember, the more tasks you can outsource, the more you can pay to retain or recruit onsite homerun hitters. Outsourcing provides more pay-rate options for your company, making you more competitive.


At HireSmart Virtual Employees, we specialize in helping businesses find the perfect balance between in-house talent and strategic outsourcing. Our virtual employees (VEs) are carefully selected and trained to handle a wide range of business tasks, from administrative support to customer service to bookkeeping and beyond. 


Thanks to the power of the dollar in the Philippine market, a qualified virtual employee is available for a fraction of the cost of traditional in-house hires. At a bill rate of just $9.50 per hour, you can access top-tier office talent without the overhead of local salary rates, benefits, and office space. We take care of the benefits for you, providing our VEs with free health and dental coverage at no cost to you. 


Sheryl Shares How Insurance Through HireSmart Made a Difference 


That’s a savings that can make a real impact on your bottom line and give you the resources to invest in growing your business. 


But we don’t just provide cost savings; we provide peace of mind. Our rigorous hiring process ensures that every VE is vetted for skills, experience, and cultural fit. We handle the recruiting, interviewing, and pre-onboard training. All you have to do is tell us what you need, and we’ll match you with the perfect VE to get the job done. 


Here’s what the process looks like: 


  1. Define Your Needs: We start by getting to know your business and understanding the specific tasks and skills you’re looking for in a VE.


  1. Find Top Candidates: Our recruiting team then finds the best matches for your needs.


  1. Conduct Rigorous Interviews: We put each potential VE through a comprehensive interview process, testing their skills, experience, and communication abilities.


  1. Present Top Picks: We present you with three candidates to interview before selecting one.


  1. Certification Process: Once you’ve made your pick, we put your chosen employee through a 40-hour certification process, training them on your industry and their job expectations.


We find so many VEs who are problem-solvers and proactive thinkers who can help streamline your processes and create new efficiencies. 


“Evy is an outstanding team member who went above and beyond when her training started by taking intuitive to dig deeper and find additional training opportunities to expand her capabilities,” said one client about their HireSmart VE. “Evy has displayed open communication, teamwork, confidence, adaptability, commitment, motivation, self-direction, trust, accountability, positive attitude and problem solving skills to name a few since day one.” 


HireSmart VE Is Always Available for His Family and Profession 


Outsourcing doesn’t mean giving up control. It means empowering your business to be more agile, efficient, and focused on the things that really matter. With HireSmart, you have a partner you can trust to help you find that perfect balance. 


Click here to schedule a consultation and learn more about how a HireSmart VE can help you achieve your goals. 


Let me appropriately hashtag this for you: #FastestPathtoPeaceofMind! 





P.S. Not sure what a Virtual Employee can do for you? Click here for your free download of tasks.