Want to Build a Business for the Long Haul?

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I doubt “networking” is the first word that comes to mind when you think about “independence,” right? They seem like opposites. Independence is about standing on your own, while networking is about connecting with others. 


But here’s the thing: in business, as in life, no one truly succeeds alone. The most independent, self-sufficient companies typically have the strongest networks supporting them. 


It might sound paradoxical, but building a network isn’t about creating dependencies. It’s about developing a web of resources, opportunities, and support that you can leverage to help your business thrive on its terms. 


With a strong network, you can access a wealth of knowledge, experience, and perspectives beyond your own. You have people to turn to for advice, referrals, collaborations, and moral support. You have a sounding board for ideas and a safety net for challenges. 


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All of that adds up to a more resilient, adaptable, and ultimately, more independent business. When you have a network to lean on, you’re not at the mercy of a single client, market, or way of doing things. You have options, and that’s what real independence is all about. 


At HireSmart Virtual Employees, relationships are a fundamental core value. Networking—or relationship building—has been instrumental in helping my husband and me develop multiple independent, self-sustaining businesses. Even as we worked towards autonomy, we always sought ways to connect, collaborate, and learn from others. We still do! 


And those connections have paid off! They’ve brought new clients, ideas, partnerships, and growth opportunities. They’ve helped us weather storms, celebrate victories, and continuously push ourselves to improve. 


So, how can you build a network that leads to greater independence? 


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Here are five tips: 


  1. Show up and engage: Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and actively participate in online communities related to your field. Don’t just go to sell — listen, learn, and build genuine relationships.


  1. Offer Value: Networking isn’t just about what others can do for you; it’s also about what you can offer. Look for ways to be a resource, a connector, and a supporter for others in your network. Share your expertise, make introductions, and be generous with your time and knowledge.


  1. Build Diverse Connections: Don’t just stick to people in your immediate industry or role. Seek connections with people from different backgrounds, business models, and stages of the journey. Diversity in your network leads to diversity in your thinking and opportunities.


  1. Follow Up and Follow Through: Networking isn’t a one-and-done activity. It’s about building relationships over time. Set a schedule to follow up on your connections, and always follow through on any commitments you make.


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  1. Leverage Your Network for Learning: Your network is a source of business opportunities and an incredible learning resource. Seek mentors, ask for feedback, and use your connections to stay on top of industry trends and best practices.


At HireSmart, we’ve seen the power of networking in action—not just for our own business but also for our clients. Our VEs help clients shed duties that detract from high-value duties, like networking and building relationships, which take time and energy. But our VEs can also help clients build new business bonds. 


“Christy is amazing,” said one client about her HireSmart VE. “She is the first person that our prospective new clients talk to before reaching an agent, and our company growth has never been better. She prepares all the contracts related to new business and takes on a ton of marketing tasks.” 


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Networking and independence might seem like an odd couple, but they’re a power duo. The stronger your network, the more independent your business can be because you have the resources, support, and opportunities to chart your own course. 


As you work towards building a business that stands on its own, don’t neglect to build the connections that will help it thrive. And if you need a partner in the process, HireSmart is here. Our VEs are skilled professionals and valuable links in your business network. 


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Click here to schedule a consultation and learn more about how a HireSmart VE can help support your business independence through the power of connection.