Some people confuse independence with extreme micromanagement. Don't be that guy or gal! Why? Let me appropriately hashtag this for you: #FastestPathtoBurnout! 


Keeping a tight grip on everything at all times will wear you down. I've hit that wall multiple times. I've watched CEO friends do the same. At some point, you must learn that independence is about knowing where and when to assert your energy most effectively. This revelation took a while for me — a self-proclaimed do-it-all for many years. 


However, I discovered I'd never have complete control over every aspect of my operations unless I reduced my business to a company of just Anne, which only interfered with proper growth and independence. 


So, I delegate. I find the best employees and let them shine, but they also need the ability to find help where needed. 


Want to Bring the Best People into Your Business? 


That's where strategic outsourcing comes in. By carefully evaluating which tasks we can shift to virtual partners, we can free up our in-house talent to focus on the high-level, business-critical work that really moves the needle. 


But how do you know when to outsource or keep things in-house? 


Here are a few tips to help you make the call: 



Hiring is Hard; Here's How We Help 




At HireSmart Virtual Employees, we specialize in helping businesses find the perfect balance between in-house talent and strategic outsourcing. Our virtual employees (VEs) are carefully selected and trained to handle a wide range of business tasks, from administrative support to customer service to bookkeeping and beyond. 


Thanks to the power of the dollar in the Philippine market, a qualified virtual employee is available for a fraction of the cost of traditional in-house hires. At a bill rate of just $9.50 per hour, you can access top-tier office talent without the overhead of local salary rates, benefits, and office space. We take care of the benefits for you, providing our VEs with free health and dental coverage at no cost to you. 


Sheryl Shares How Insurance Through HireSmart Made a Difference 


That's a savings that can make a real impact on your bottom line and give you the resources to invest in growing your business. 


But we don't just provide cost savings; we provide peace of mind. Our rigorous hiring process ensures that every VE is vetted for skills, experience, and cultural fit. We handle the recruiting, interviewing, and pre-onboard training. All you have to do is tell us what you need, and we'll match you with the perfect VE to get the job done. 


Here's what the process looks like: 


  1. Define Your Needs: We start by getting to know your business and understanding the specific tasks and skills you're looking for in a VE.


  1. Find Top Candidates: Our recruiting team then finds the best matches for your needs.


  1. Conduct Rigorous Interviews: We put each potential VE through a comprehensive interview process, testing their skills, experience, and communication abilities.


  1. Present Top Picks: We present you with three candidates to interview before selecting one.


  1. Certification Process: Once you've made your pick, we put your chosen employee through a 40-hour certification process, training them on your industry and their job expectations.


We find so many VEs who are problem-solvers and proactive thinkers who can help streamline your processes and create new efficiencies. 


"Evy is an outstanding team member who went above and beyond when her training started by taking intuitive to dig deeper and find additional training opportunities to expand her capabilities," said one client about their HireSmart VE. "Evy has displayed open communication, teamwork, confidence, adaptability, commitment, motivation, self-direction, trust, accountability, positive attitude and problem solving skills to name a few since day one." 


HireSmart VE Is Always Available for His Family and Profession 


Outsourcing doesn't mean giving up control. It means empowering your business to be more agile, efficient, and focused on the things that really matter. With HireSmart, you have a partner you can trust to help you find that perfect balance. 


Click here to schedule a consultation and learn more about how a HireSmart VE can help you achieve your goals. 


Let me appropriately hashtag this for you: #FastestPathtoPeaceofMind! 





P.S. Not sure what a Virtual Employee can do for you? Click here for your free download of tasks.  


My childhood involved some tough moments, but adversity also carries blessings. For instance, I knew at an early age that I needed to make things happen for myself. No one else would do it for me. 


The little girl Anne saw that she must step up and seize the moment when it came. So that's what I love to see in others, too — that self-motivation to succeed. This hope is fundamental to our nonprofit, HireSmart Cares. We want youth to take every action possible to better themselves, so we do what we can through teaching and investment in workforce development initiatives to help the next generation succeed. 


A call to action: HireSmart Cares aims to help youth realize their potential   


We also live this daily in our business, encouraging our employees to be their best and live their best lives. I teach volunteer leadership classes for my employees. I encourage them to expand their skill set and explore what motivates them. 


I bet you feel the same, right? You want your team to thrive. No one wants their employees to feel stuck in the mud. So, how do we help them find a powerful sense of independence while joining together on our team? 


Here are some tips on how to do that: 



Why Company Leaders Should Be In The Business Of Giving Back To Their Communities 




Can Your Mistakes Be the Catalyst for Strengthening Your Team? 





Want to Shower Your Future Self With Gifts? 


At HireSmart, we see these principles in action every day. We find VEs with a natural drive and initiative, which we nurture through our training and support. Then, when they join our clients' teams, they're ready to bring that same spirit of independence and ownership to their work. 


We've seen VEs lead projects, streamline processes, and develop game-changing ideas — not because they were told to, but because they were empowered to. They take the ball and run with it, and that entrepreneurial spirit is infectious. It spreads to the rest of the team, creating a culture of independence and innovation. 


5 Reasons to be Grateful for Your Virtual Employee 


That's the power of building a team of self-starters. They not only get the job done, but they make the whole team better and stronger in the process. 


So, if you're ready to inject some of that HireSmart spirit into your team, we're here to help. Our VEs are ready and eager to bring their drive and initiative to your organization. 


Click here to schedule a consultation and learn more about how a HireSmart VE can help cultivate a culture of independence on your team. 


Your role as a leader isn't to have all the answers or do all the work yourself. It's to create an environment where your team can think, grow, and succeed independently. And with the right strategies and support, you can do just that. 


We'd love to discuss how you can make that happen. 




When I think of "independence," a few images come to mind: the American flag waving proudly in the breeze, a teen packing up the car and heading toward a new life, an explorer venturing into new territory after months of preparation.

As business owners, we know what it's like to venture out on our own, to take risks, and to build something from the ground up. We understand the power and responsibility that come with being independent.

But independence isn't just about going solo. It's about having the courage to stand out, to be different, and to build a brand that truly reflects your unique values and vision.

It's not enough to just be in business. You must have a brand identity that sets you apart and resonates with your target audience. Your approach needs to be intentional, strategic, and creative.

At HireSmart Virtual Employees, we've built our independent brand on a foundation of core values: Service, Mindfulness, Availability, Respect, Teamwork, Ethics and integrity, and Relationships (SMARTER). These values guide everything we do, from the clients we work with to the virtual employees we hire.

VE Earns Trust of Client as Junior Accountant, Receives HireSmart's 'Ethics and Integrity Award'

We're not afraid to do things differently, and it's that commitment to independence that has allowed us to create a truly unique offering in the market. We've learned a thing or two about building an unforgettable brand based on quality service.

So, how can you build a brand that stands out from the crowd? Here are a few strategies to get you started:

Leaders at Sea: How to Be the Lighthouse in the Fog

Tips on Communicating with Your Remote Employee

One of the ways our clients build truly unique brands is by partnering with HireSmart's virtual employees. Our VEs bring diverse skills, experiences, and perspectives to the table, allowing our clients to think outside the box and bring their creative visions to life.

"Brenda is like, I can't even imagine," said one of our clients. "If I could have 10 of this girl, my company would be so big. I can't even keep up with her. She's so smart, and she's so fast, and she's so good. I just love her."

HireSmart's 'Top Newbie VE' is an Integral Part of Property Management HR Team

When you have a team that's not only skilled but also aligned with your core values, there's no limit to what you can achieve. Your VEs become an extension of your brand, bringing fresh ideas and approaches to the table and helping you stand out.

So, as you work to build your independent brand, remember: With the right team, strategies, and a little bit of an explorer's spirit, you can create a brand that truly reflects your unique vision and values.

Do You Love a Job Well Done?

And if you need a partner in the process, HireSmart is here to help. Our VEs are ready to help you unleash your creativity, think outside the box, and build a brand that stands out for all the right reasons.

If you're ready to explore how a VE can help you build your brand, click here to schedule a consultation.


Anne + The HireSmart Team

Co-Founder – HireSmart Companies

Direct: 678-389-9929

Helping Business Owners Find Great Workers – HireSmart Virtual Employees

Helping Kids – HireSmart Cares in Action

Thank you to our clients who are creating an impact

Need to talk? Schedule a time –


Here's a personal fact: I need eight hours of sleep a night. If I get that, I can deal with most anything. If I don't, I'm a mess. 


So, the clock matters in my life. I waste little time. There's much to do, and I must sleep. Do you relate to this? 


Routines matter, right? We're best when we establish cycles and stick to them. We're at our worst when we're haphazard with our time or establish the wrong sort of cycles, like staying up too late or drinking too much. 


I think of vacations as part of my yearly mental routine. I need a refresher annually, a time to disconnect and physically go somewhere different. But "vacation" exists in our daily routines, too. 


How Can We Break the Circle of Negativity? 


Think of your daily mental space: 








As business owners, it's easy to get caught up in the productivity cycle to the point where there's no room for anything else. But just as our bodies need sleep to function, our minds need moments of active input, processing, and relaxation to stay sharp and avoid burnout. 


How do you create that mental space when your to-do list is a mile long, and your team constantly looks to you for guidance? That's where HireSmart's virtual employees come in. 


Want to Bring the Best People into Your Business? 


Our VEs are more than just remote staff. They're your partners in creating a more balanced, sustainable work life. By taking on critical tasks and providing reliable support, they free up your time and mental bandwidth to focus on the things that truly matter. 


"Mitch takes ownership of issues, goes out of her way to help the team and always stays upbeat even if she's dealing with a difficult owner," said her client. "She was our first VE and she's been so successful that we expanded the team and brought on more VEs." 


Imagine being able to step away from your desk for a midday walk, knowing that your VE is handling customer inquiries, or carve out an hour each morning for strategic planning without being pulled into the day-to-day firefighting, or even unplugging completely for a week-long vacation, confident that your business is in capable hands. 


That's the power of delegation, and it's a game-changer for busy business owners. But the benefits extend beyond your own well-being. When you're able to find moments of recharge and clarity, they ripple out to your entire team. 


Future Proofing Your Business! 


You're able to show up as a more present, focused leader. You have the mental space to listen to your employees' ideas and concerns. You can think strategically about improving processes, innovating products, and creating a workplace culture that prioritizes balance and well-being. 


When onsite employees see your balanced mindset, they are empowered to do the same. They feel empowered to take their own moments of recharge, step away from their desks for a quick reset, or actually use their PTO without guilt. 


The result is a more engaged, productive, and loyal team. When people feel their workplace supports their overall quality of life, not just their output, they're more likely to go the extra mile. 


So, how can you start infusing your daily routine with more "vacation" moments? 


Here are a few tips: 







Want to Shower Your Future Self With Gifts? 


Creating a vacation mindset in your daily life isn't about slacking off or neglecting your responsibilities. It's about recognizing that your mental well-being is just as important as your productivity and that finding moments of restoration can ultimately help you give more to your business and your people. 


HireSmart is here to help. Our VEs are ready to take on the tasks weighing you down so you can focus on the big picture and find your vacation moments every day. 


If you're ready to explore how a VE can help you create more balance and recharge in your work life, click here to schedule a consultation.  


I want you to get a good night's sleep, just like me. 




Anne + The HireSmart Team 

Your employees' well-being directly impacts your company's success, but stress and burnout can leave your team feeling drained and disengaged. 


While a real-deal getaway might sound like the ultimate R&R, most employees can't just pack up and leave every time they feel overwhelmed. That's where the power of micro-vacations comes in— short, intentional breaks that allow your team to recharge and refocus. 


So here are some ideas on how mini "getaways" throughout the workday can lead to happier, more productive employees: 



HireSmart VE: A Role Model in Mental Health Service 





Are You in Tune With Your Team? 






Implementing these micro-vacation strategies isn't just about boosting short-term productivity; it's about creating a sustainable, supportive work environment that prioritizes employee well-being. When your team feels valued, respected, and encouraged to care for themselves, they're likelier to show up as their best selves and stay engaged for the long haul. 


Feeling Tension at Work? How Do You Handle It Like a Pro? 


Even with these mini-breaks, there will still be times when the workload feels overwhelming, and your in-house team needs extra support. 


That's where HireSmart's virtual employees come in. Our skilled, reliable VEs can help lighten the load, tackle time-consuming tasks, and free up your core team to focus on high-level projects while reducing your overhead costs. Our bill rate is $9.50 an hour for a highly vetted, quality employee with a skill set matching your needs. 


If you're interested in learning more about how HireSmart's virtual employees can support your team's well-being and productivity, click here to schedule a consultation with us.  


Investing in your employees' well-being isn't just being the "nice boss" — it's a necessity. Running a business is a marathon, not a sprint. That goes for working at one, too. Make sure you help everyone keep a reasonable pace. 




Anne + The HireSmart Team 


As a business owner, you've poured your heart and soul into building your company. You've weathered storms, celebrated triumphs, and invested countless hours in making your vision a reality. But have you given the same level of attention to planning your exit strategy and securing your legacy? 


Retirement may seem like a distant dream, but the truth is, it's never too early to start preparing for your ultimate vacation. Whether you plan to sell your business, pass it on to the next generation, or simply step back from day-to-day operations, having a clear roadmap can make all the difference in ensuring a smooth transition and a financially stable future. 


At HireSmart, we've worked with countless business owners navigating the journey toward retirement. We've seen firsthand the challenges and opportunities that come with this significant milestone, and we're here to help you make the most of it. 


Here are 47 tasks a virtual employee can handle for you 


Here are some actionable steps you can take to start planning your retirement today: 





Here Are 10 Ways You Can Get Your Life Back 





Generate More Of You: Anne Talks About Hiring VEs on the Property Management Podcast 




Planning for retirement may feel overwhelming, but you don't have to go it alone. At HireSmart, we specialize in providing the support and resources business owners need to thrive in their professional and personal lives. 


Our virtual employees can be a valuable asset in your retirement planning journey. By taking on key tasks and responsibilities, they can help you create a more agile, resilient organization that can thrive without your constant presence. They can free up your time and mental bandwidth and give you the space to focus on the big picture and prepare for your next chapter. 


Ready for Fun? Here's How to Prepare Your Business 


We'd love to chat if you're ready to start planning your ultimate vacation. Click here to schedule a consultation with our team and learn how HireSmart's virtual employees can support your retirement goals. 


Your business is your legacy. By taking steps today to plan for tomorrow, you're securing your own future and ensuring that your hard work and vision will continue to make a difference for years to come. 




Anne + The HireSmart Team 


Co-Founder – HireSmart Companies 

Direct: 678-389-9929 


Helping Business Owners Find Great Workers – HireSmart Virtual Employees 


Helping Kids – HireSmart Cares in Action 

Thank you to our clients who are creating an impact 


Need to talk? Schedule a time – 


διακοπές — That's the Greek word for "vacation." And for several years, "vacation" was as unfamiliar to my husband and me as its Greek translation. 


As new business owners, we poured every moment into our entrepreneurial endeavors, forgoing our own paychecks to pay our employees, getting little sleep, and squeezing every little luxury out of our lives to make our businesses fly. 


This comes at a personal cost. 


You can't bring your best self to your work when you're perpetually exhausted, stressed, and spread thin. Your creativity suffers, your decision-making is impaired, and your ability to lead effectively diminishes. 


On the flip side, when you take time to rest, recharge, and gain perspective, you return to your business with renewed energy, fresh ideas, and a clearer sense of purpose. You're better equipped to tackle challenges, seize opportunities, and guide your team. 


But as business owners, unplugging can feel impossible. There's always one more email to answer, one more fire to put out. That's where having the right team and systems in place becomes critical. 


At HireSmart, we've seen firsthand how having skilled, reliable virtual employees (VEs) can be a game-changer for entrepreneurs looking to take real time off. Our VEs are carefully selected, rigorously trained, and deeply committed to our clients' success. 


Anne Lackey's Company Offers a Unique Virtual Solution for Staffing Issues 


They're not just temporary stand-ins but integral team members who can keep operations running smoothly in your absence. Whether handling customer inquiries, managing projects, or keeping your social media presence active, VEs can give you the peace of mind to truly step away. 


But don't just take it from me. Here's what one of our clients, Iliahi, an operations manager at a vacation rental company, had to say: 


"They (the VEs) take a lot of the backend work away from us here on the front line," she said. "It kind of frees us up to be more hands-on here, and since they're on the computer all day, they're able to complete all those administrative tasks for us and free us up for more important things that we need to take care of." 


Imagine being able to take a vacation knowing your business is in capable hands, that essential tasks will get done, and that you won't come back to a mountain of catch-up work. That's the power of having a well-integrated VE team. 


The Costs of a High Turnover Rate 


But it's not just about covering for you while you're away. Having VEs can also help prevent the kind of chronic overwork that makes vacations feel impossible in the first place. You can create a more sustainable workload and rhythm by delegating regularly and strategically to your VE team. 


So, as you look ahead to the summer months, I encourage you to start planning for some real διακοπές — not a "workcation" where you're still tethered to your laptop, but a true break to rest, recharge, and come back to your business with renewed vitality. 


If you need help making that happen, we at HireSmart are here to help. Our VEs can provide the skilled support you need to confidently step away, knowing your business is in good hands. 


HireSmart's Top VE for 2023 Blends Empathy with Expertise 


Click here to schedule a conversation at your convenience. We'd love to learn about your unique needs and craft a plan to help you and your business thrive — no Greek required. 


To your well-deserved διακοπές. 




Anne + The HireSmart Team 


One of the best things about travel is that it reminds you of what you love about home. When you come back, you see everything familiar through fresh eyes. 


You can assess the good and bad aspects of your environment compared to others, making changes where needed while developing a deeper appreciation of the good things you have. 


This can be applied to work, too. 


Getting away lets us see things with fresh eyes. We can be more creative when pulled from our norms. 


It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind, putting out fires, managing teams, dealing with clients — it's constant work. But when was the last time you stepped back and really looked at your business with fresh eyes? 


Could Your Next Business Leader Be Right Under Your Nose? 


That's where vacations come in. And I'm not just talking about sipping a cool drink on a warm beach (although that sounds pretty great right now). I'm talking about the benefits of time off on your creativity and problem-solving skills. 


The Science of Recharging 


Numerous studies have shown the cognitive benefits of taking breaks. When you're constantly focused on a task, your brain gets tired. You start to lose focus, make more mistakes, and feel burned out. But when you step away, even briefly, you give your brain a chance to recharge. 


During periods of relaxation, your brain switches into a different mode. It starts to make connections between seemingly unrelated ideas. This is often when those "aha" moments strike — in the shower, on a walk, or even on vacation. 


My husband and I love the "aha!" It's one of the joys of life— that moment when we know we're on to something special. 


When Planning Clicks, You Know It's Right   



Vacation Eureka Moments 


Some of the world's greatest inventions and business ideas were born from vacation insights. Did you know that the idea for Instagram came to co-founder Kevin Systrom while he was on vacation in Mexico? Or that Lin-Manuel Miranda came up with the idea for Hamilton while reading a book on a beach vacation? 


These are just a couple of examples, but the point is clear: stepping away from the daily grind and immersing yourself in new experiences can spark innovation. 


Structuring Your Vacation for Inspiration 


So, how can you increase your chances of the vacation "aha?" Here are a few tips: 






The VE Vacation Safety Net 


Now, I know what you might be thinking: "This all sounds great, Anne, but I can't just abandon my business for a week!" I hear you. The thought of stepping away can be stressful, especially if you're used to being the one holding everything together. 


But that's where HireSmart's virtual employees come in. Our skilled, reliable VEs can help keep things running smoothly while you're away, giving you the peace of mind to unplug and let your mind wander. 


Want to Know How to Build Quality Remote Relationships? 


Imagine taking that dream vacation, knowing that your customers are being taken care of, your projects are moving forward, and your business is in good hands. That's the power of having a solid VE team in your corner. 


I've worked for over a decade perfecting the process of finding the best virtual office employees in the Philippines, where the cost of living is much lower than in the U.S. You're billed just $9.50 per hour worked, which allows you to scale your business with quality employees at a less expensive rate. 


These are quality employees. We find and evaluate talent, and we're the tops in the industry with an over 97 percent successful placement rate. We learn your needs, then find three employees who match that specific skill set. You meet all three, pick one, and we spend a week training that employee about your industry so they understand the terminology and the basics before onboarding with you. 


HireSmart VE Shows' It's All About Respect’ 


Our certification process is our key to success. It allows us to ensure VEs have the necessary skills and talent to serve our clients. We have live trainers, including myself, so we can easily evaluate their skills. We track our success and adapt as needed. If I wouldn't hire a candidate for my company, they won't be processed through to our clients. 


"I would like to credit my virtual employees' success directly related to HireSmart going in and giving that one week of HOA training on the front side, prepping them and preparing them for what this world looks like on our side because, for a lot of folks, HOA is very new," said Philessia, whose company partners with HireSmart. "So that one-week training HireSmart gives really sets them up for success on our side." 


HireSmart was an "aha" moment for my husband and me, born of a vacation story. We love being the "aha" for others, too. We've been that hundreds of times, and it's always so fun. We'd love to be that for you, too! 


Click here to set up a time to talk at your convenience. 




Anne + The HireSmart Team 

The HireSmart Genesis story is actually about a vacation nightmare. We finally managed to get our property management company into a state where we could step away. We booked the flights, packed the bags, said farewells, got to the resort, and then the text hit. 


For my husband and me, the short digital message arrived as a meteor strike, like something blazed through the sky to land right on our heads, creating an explosion and leaving chaos. 


Karen quit! No! 


That's who we left in charge, but now she was suddenly gone. All of our responsibilities crashed back on our shoulders. All of our planning was destroyed. Our vacation was ruined. 


But our smashed sandcastle of a vacation was the least of our worries. We felt exposed to our clients. We quickly scrambled to ensure every duty was met and every promise kept. We met our obligations, but the stress was immense. 


Never again! That was the vow. We were too reliant on one person. We realized we would never relax on a vacation if someone could do that to us again. We needed a team, not a Karen. 


7 Steps to Hiring Quality Staff   


But how could we afford a team? How could we stretch responsibilities across a network of people who provided insurance against the sudden absence of any individual? 


We realized we do most of the work on a computer or by phone, not onsite. We also saw that the internet links us from LA to Atlanta and from New York to Seattle, but it also ties us to Australia, Europe, Africa, and anywhere on the globe. 


The dollar is the strongest currency in the world. So, if we could find quality office employees in a country where the dollar has the most value, we could hire virtual employees with quality wages for their market while paying a lower cost than our local market rate. 


We extensively researched the best markets for virtual office employment and determined the Philippines provides the best option. With English as the official business language of the nation, a shared strong work ethic, and where "Bayanihan," the much-cherished Filipino spirit of solidarity, civic unity, and cooperation, is strong, the Philippines is the best option. 


Is Fear Holding You Back From Big Gains? 


We partnered with a Filipino agency to help us ensure we meet all laws and human resources obligations in the Philippines. We also added Theriza, our first Filipino virtual employee, who was wonderful! She helped our onsite staff immensely. We added more virtual employees. 


We wondered: Are there more Therizas? I was determined to find them. That became our new business. I would be the best around at finding each great hire, one by one, for other businesses, and I got really good at that. 


That was a decade ago, and we're thriving more than ever. An interesting fact also is Theriza still works with us. We have a very low attrition rate here because we treat our Virtual Employees well. We are the best in the business at locating quality Filipino virtual employees for various industries, with an over 98 percent successful placement rate. 


Anne Lackey's Company Offers a Unique Virtual Solution for Staffing Issues 


Think about that: 24 of 25 employees work out for our clients. Is that typical in an office? Would you feel good with a 96 percent hiring success rate in your office? Of course, if you're the one in 25, we will work with you on a solution. 


We also help our clients through the onboarding process, but before that, we put our virtual employees through a 40-hour certification process where they learn the terminology and basics of the client's industry. 


"I can walk away and know that our clients are in excellent hands with Abby at the helm," said one client about her virtual employee. "She even keeps the rest of our team in line making sure they get their jobs done on time and up to standards! She's a joy to work with and truly an incredible virtual employee!" 


We get that sort of feedback all the time, and it's such a blast. I love the connections I make between people who are far away geographically but are close in values and spirit. 


Our vacation meteor strike was the negative that launched a huge positive — hundreds of quality virtual relationships that wouldn't have otherwise happened. I love telling that lemons-to-lemonade story. 


And I want you to love your vacation — without meteor strikes! Enjoy life! Recharge, you absolutely need it! I'm serious. It's healthy to pull away at times. 


But when you step away, you need confidence in a quality team to relax. My job is helping other people find that relaxation. 


Let me know if you'd like me to help you. Click here to set up a chat at your convenience. 




Anne + The HireSmart Team 

Co-Founder – HireSmart Companies 

Direct: 678-389-9929 

Helping Business Owners Find Great Workers – HireSmart Virtual Employees 

Helping Kids – HireSmart Cares in Action 

Thank you to our clients who are creating an impact 

Need to talk? Schedule a time – 



We tend to think of “fun” as the quick dopamine jolt of joy, a side-splitting laugh, or a toe-tapping tune. 


But there are more profound types of “fun,” which aren’t so fleeting. It’s “fun” to see incremental progress in learning an instrument, to lose yourself in a long novel, or to restore something old and make it new. 


I view our professions as mental craftwork infused with many long-form fun possibilities if we know how to look. 


Think about the next level of “fun,” that more profound thing. The challenges you overcome, the skills you acquire, and the milestones you reach provide a sense of achievement that quick-hit pleasures can’t match — the fun of growth and personal development. 


A call to action: HireSmart Cares aims to help youth realize their potential   


Think of the“fun” in building relationships and contributing to something larger than oneself. This joy takes time and effort to develop and is about the journey, the shared experiences, and the bonds you build. 


My world, my business, my passion — it’s about creating this sort of “fun.” How do I help generate it? How do I help spread that joy? 


It starts with helping my clients feel empowered. Work can be so hard, right? When we’re overwhelmed, it shows up in our bodies with issues like chronic fatigue, headaches, muscle tension, and stomach problems. We get irritable with others. We’re tense and unable to pull our minds from constant job-related stresses. This is no fun! And it’s not healthy. 


Would You Like to Help Your Staff Improve and Succeed? 


The whole point of my business is to flip that script for others. I meet daily with business owners and managers on workload management plans. How can we shift time-consuming tasks off their plates at a low cost in a quality way? How can we transform stress into fun? That’s it. That’s my work. 


I connect stressed business people with highly vetted, smart, thoughtful Filipino virtual employees, and I watch clients’ pressures ease and their smiles return. 


Burnout: Why it Happens and How to Reduce It 


And it’s fun! I love hearing from clients who feel a heavy weight lifted and find more free time to pursue what they consider fun. 


“I could walk away and go on vacation, and I know our business is in great hands with Brenda and Abby,” said our client Colleen about her two HireSmart virtual employees. “And Abby is communicating with all of our clients; our clients are communicating with Abby. It’s beautiful. It’s wonderful. It’s perfect. And Brenda is just one of those incredible people that’s just amazing. I think we just hit the pot of gold.” 


What’s The Cure For the Work-Life Migraine? 


I also have a blast working with our virtual employees to improve their lives. We provide our VEs free health and dental care at no cost to the clients. We provide educational scholarships to the children of our VEs. We have their backs in times of need, such as offering financial support to the families of 31 employees affected by Typhoon Rai.  


HireSmart Cares Typhoon Assistance — Richan’s story 


We provide our VEs with a 40-hour “certification” course before onboarding with our clients. This boosts the employees’ confidence and helps our clients enjoy a smooth onboarding process since our VEs are educated on terminology and industry practices before joining their teams. 


Let’s chat if you’re interested in bringing some fun into your office by efficiently allocating tasks at a low cost, which leads to significant stress reduction. This conversation is my version of fun. Truly.  


Whether we partner in business or not, I’ll enjoy hearing about your office outlook and talking with you about various efficiency possibilities. We’re a business success management agency. And our success only happens when we help others succeed. That’s goal number one. 


Click here to set up a talk at your convenience, and while I can’t promise a toe-tapping tune, let’s share a laugh or two. Let’s have some fun! 



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